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Topics - philoldsmobile

General Banter / Bike resto started.....
November 04, 2006, 10:29:34 AM
Well.... started the winter refurb on the bike. Immediatley hit a minor snag in my origional plan though.. i had intended to sand off the (peeling) laquer from the fuel tank, and then give it to rocky to re laquer.. unfortunaltey, the tank decals aren't decals, but stenciled in paint, so it came off along with the laquer...

other than that, its down to a frame engine and suspention, all bodywork is off, as are wheels and fairing brackets. Swing arm was sprayed with parafin, worked over with a 1/2 inch paint brush, and wiped off - EVERYTHING is like new, as it had lived under a liberal coating of chain lube!

origional graphics are proving impossible to find, so the dilema now is do i try and go for th stock look using bespoke decals, or go kawasaki green and go for the modified look.....
General Banter / i wanna divorce my brain.....
November 01, 2006, 06:16:58 PM
this ride aint so much fun anymore....

i wanna be normal now..
Food and Drink / All hail..........
October 23, 2006, 04:55:30 PM
Absolut Vanilla (vodka)

surely the finest drink ever devised by the gods (or vikings)

just pour over ice and enjoy! theree is none finer

General Banter / what an odd question....
October 12, 2006, 01:20:55 PM
while putting some air in my tyres at tesco today, i was asked by a group of kids...

"is that a real mustang?"

i almost wanted  to say no, its made of marzipan.......
for the first time in my life, i have actualy been forced to admit that i'm too lazy / busy / tired / cant be arsed, and am actualy taking my car to a garage for a service!!!

its all good though, they have an old caddy parked outside!
General Banter / Emo.....
September 20, 2006, 01:06:01 PM
uhhh.. so whas that all aboot then?

its like slighly odd soft punks? was on the train a couple of weeks ago and it seemed that about 50% of the 16 - 21 year old people that got on looked 'emo'

wikipedia results lookd kinda scary..
General Banter / damn kids......
September 08, 2006, 01:45:01 PM
got home from work today, and was on the bike due to the weather...

a neighbour kit comes over and says hi (he's about 8) and i say, "dont touch anything, its really hot"

"which bit?" he asks

"all of it, ESPECIALY the silver bit (exhaust)" so what does he do?  sticks his hands straight onto the exhaust pipe...

no serious injury, and his dad saw the whole thing and was fine about it (as he said, i did tell him not to touch it!!)  just some rather red looking hands, after a couple of mins under the cold tap, there was no sign  of and notable burns or blisters..

be he doesn't do it again!!
General Banter / sweeeet.. this apple stuff rocks!!
September 05, 2006, 02:21:28 PM
just noticed the USB ports on the keyboard, so i can plug my mouse in there!!

someone thought of this...
General Banter / started applising.......
September 02, 2006, 03:09:37 PM
in readiness for buying a mac mini, i bought a mac keyboard for the PC..

maaaaaan, these things are gorgeous! the quality is simply on another level..
General Banter / would you report it or not?
September 02, 2006, 06:44:26 AM
My next door neighbour has a vauxhall omega estate that he bought from one of those 'finace anyone' type companies..

as it is not paid off, the car is still owned by the company, as he is delcairing himself bankrupt, the car was supposed to go back to the finance company..

however..... it was broken into some time ago, and now sits outside with a broken window, in the road (his other car is on his drive) taking very valuable parking space,  (we are in a cul-de-sac, so space is at a premium on the road)

the road tax expired over a year ago although it was in use untill a few months ago..

the question is..... would you report it to DVLA to get it removed? the guy has enough on his plate as it is, but its not very nice to have a car parked outside with no tax and a missing window, especialy as its taking up space where a legitimate taxed insured vehicle could be parked..
General Banter / woo WOOOOO.. saw something today.......
September 02, 2006, 06:28:02 AM
that i honestly thought i'd never see again in my life....

a petrol pump sign with the price for regular unleaded starting with an 8!!

Tesco in goldington, bedford, take a bow, 89.9 per liter!

what filled your idle moments today?

this does it for me..

#322\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

seen it, its a nice car, and sounds gorgeous!
General Banter / awww bless, i must look so young!
August 09, 2006, 03:28:20 PM
went into tesco tonight for a bottle of red wine, used the self service checkout, but of course, wine needs a member of staff to authorise..

the woman came up to me and asked me for ID because she wanted to be sure i was over 18!

(and no, she wasn't giggidy)