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Topics - philoldsmobile

What's the betting this gets far less coverage than the original news story...\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

It's the drivers, not the cars say investigators

Proof that the culture of blame in which the US is steeped has gone too far: the US Department of Transportation has revealed that the majority of crashes involving the infamous runaway Toyotas were down to driver error.
The Wall Street Journal reports that the data recorders from dozens of Toyotas and Lexuses involved in crashes apparently caused by 'sudden acceleration' show that the throttles were actually wide open and the brakes not applied at the time of the accidents.

The implication of the early findings of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is that some drivers who claimed their cars surged forward actually hit the accelerator rather than the brakes.

The NHTSA's independent findings tally with Toyota's own view that the incidents were not caused by electronic throttle glitches - even though more than 100 people have sued the car maker, claiming just that.

Overall, the NHTSA has received more than 3000 complaints of 'runaway' Toyotas and Lexuses, including 75 fatal incidents. Only one of these fatal crashes has been attributed to a mechanical glitch - that was traced to a floor mat that forced the accelerator to remain depressed.

Toyota has admitted that there are problems with floor mats catching on accelerator pedals, and throttles that are slow to return to idle, and has recalled more than eight million vehicles worldwide since March to rectify any potential problems.

Toyota remains adamant that there are no defects in its by-wire throttle systems, a claim that has - so far - been borne out by the NHTSA's associate administrator for enforcement, Daniel Smith. "In spite of our investigations, we have not actually been able yet to find a defect in electronic throttle-control systems," Smith told a panel of the National Academy of Sciences last month. "We're bound and determined that if it exists, we're going to find it. But as yet we haven't found it."

The Toyota acceleration saga isn't pulling to a halt just yet, but the moral of the story seems to be this: if you want to stop, it's best not to hit the right-hand pedal...
General Banter / Mark Niver RIP
July 13, 2010, 01:44:42 PM
not well known over here, but what really struck me is the video. it really didn't look like a fatal accident.\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">
After 8 1/2 years of ownership, Dad finally waved goodbye to the Tahoe this afternoon. very very reliable vehicle, and what I consider one of the last 'proper' chevies, tough solid and very reliable, newer ones just dont seem quite as tough to me.

in 8 years virtually nothing went wrong, a heater control panel, rad, a cracked inlet manifold, and prop UJ's - not bad in 80,00 miles.

still love the un cluttered lines of the 96 - 99 tahoe and suburban, when they got 'softer' in 2000 they lost a little appeal for me.

new owner actually looked at it a couple of months ago, but couldn't get insured.  Frank pickles did the job, and as soon as he was back in the UK he jumped on it.

so long Tahoe, and I wish many many many happy miles to your new owner.
General Banter / some people are just clueless...
June 10, 2010, 02:01:16 PM
how selfish? she does understand she is likely to die and leave her kids without a 'mother'? all for attention\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">
inside your corporate diary - a list of wine vintages and ratings...

whore on through please :postwhore:
#59\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

now surplus to requirements, so needs a new home. great bike, but my commuting days are at an end, and the GPz has the toy thing covered.
a bloke in Hampshire on the Alfa forum was asking this....

calling all VW camper owner peoples
sorry to go off the beaten track but a favour please.

a friend of mine would like to borrow or hire, a camper to take his daughter to her prom as that's what she has requested.

any splity or bay window not the later ones

thanks Andy
Election 2010: what it means to the motorist
Motoring issues rarely feature at the forefront of a pre-election manifesto, even though transport-based news permeates the day-to-day agenda. Among some of the biggest stories of the last few years have been congestion charging, environment-based car tax changes, unprecedented fuel price rises, and, of course, the scrap scheme.

The cost of motoring is certainly rising, but will it continue unabated when the next Government comes into power? It's difficult to say for sure, but here's our breakdown of what the parties are promising so far for the driver:


We have a better idea about what Labour will do than the other two major parties because of its record since 1997 and the March 2010 budget.

• Budget 2010

All electric cars will be exempt from company car tax and Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) until at least 2015.

Fuel duty will rise by 1p on 1 October, and again by 0.76p on 1 January 2011. It will continue to rise by 1p per litre above inflation until 2015.

Business users driving cars emitting between 1g/km and 75g/km CO2 will only pay benefit-in-kind tax of five percent of its value. (No cars currently emit at that level.)

First year 'showroom tax' will apply to cars emitting 161g/km or more. Some owners will benefit from a drop in VED: cars between 121-130g/km by £30, for example.

£84m has been put aside to repair potholes. It's estimated it will cost £800m to eradicate the issue.

£25m will go to the 'Managed Motorways' initiative to open up hard shoulders during peak times, reducing congestion.

• Manifesto

Build a high-speed rail line between London, Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds.

No road pricing scheduled for at least five years.

£2bn committed to researching renewable energy - £1bn of that from the private sector - including transport schemes.


The Conservative party hasn't made specific pledges on day-to-day motoring costs, though it's unlikely there'll be any sweeping changes. Already though, it has outlined a similar commitment to electric cars as Labour.

• Manifesto

Introduce a 'Fair Fuel Stabiliser' that will keep fuel costs level by lowering fuel duty when the oil price rises and raising duty when it falls.

Oppose road pricing schemes.

Fund alternative road safety measures to speed cameras.

Aim for a 34 percent cut in greenhouse gases by 2020 - the same as Labour. Car emissions will be scrutinised to reach that target.

Promise to make funding available for a UK-wide charging infrastructure for electric and plug-in hybrid cars - but no specific amount.

Build a congestion-busting high-speed rail network between major UK cities, starting in 2015.


The Liberal Democrats will place emphasis on increased public transport use, but the party is vague on how it will get people out of their cars. It will focus on measures that make car alternatives more convenient - like ensuring that new offices have facilities for cyclists.

• Manifesto

Raise fuel duty at the same rate as economic growth.

Cut greenhouse gases by 40 percent by 2020 - more than the other major parties.

Charge hauliers for motorway use but use the money to improve public transport.

Propose road pricing at some stage, but put the revenue back into maintaining the road network.

Cut the overall budget for roads, and redirect the money towards re-opening regional train lines. Cut rail fares.

Introduce a bus scrappage scheme to renew the bus fleet.


All roads lead to fewer cars with the Green Party. It will encourage public transport use by doubling the number of buses on the roads and subsidising fares; nationalise the rail network and provide funds to improve it; increase fuel duty; introduce road pricing and not build any new motorways.


The UK Independence Party promises to build new motorways, widen the existing ones, and even redistribute fuel tax back to drivers when the oil price is low. Like the main parties, it will also build a UK-wide high-speed railway. It opposes 'green taxes' however, which means it will probably scrap CO2-based VED, though it has promised to invest heavily in the development of cleaner cars.
currently running windows XP, but included is original product disc with win 98, has 30gb hard drive, 256mb RAM

works as it should, but mouse pad has died. mouse pad turned off in bios and usb mouse used with no problems, has a wireless card, but its old, so cannot guarantee it will work with your wireless setup

battery is FUBAR but works fine from mains, includes euro mains lead (france / spain etc) would make a perfect music server for garage / spare room etc...

General Banter / Ditchfinders!!!!!!!
April 09, 2010, 08:50:23 AM
just put a pair of these on the front of the Alfa..\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

OMFG, car feels soooooooooo much better, quieter and smoother than the old pirellis, if yer a bit tight for cash, and need tyres, they seem to work very well.
General Banter / Mystery car of the day....
April 06, 2010, 02:10:26 PM
General Banter / Art B
April 03, 2010, 02:59:38 PM
could you post up the recipe for your home made white wine please?

And I think I have it...

The best thing I could think of to do today was taking the wheels off the Alfa and cleaning the inside of them..

General Banter / another big money lawsuit.....
March 31, 2010, 12:42:03 PM
Film lawsuit settled for £6
Wed 31 Mar 12:34 PM

A lawsuit against political satire 'Swing Vote' has ended with a £6 payout by star Kelsey Grammer.
The lawsuit was filed by screenwriter Bradley Blakeman against the film's stars, Kevin Costner and Kelsey Grammer, along with Disney studio bosses. Blakeman claimed that the 2008 movie was similar to a film he had written earlier.

The former presidential staffer alleges that he gave his script for 'Go November' to Grammer in 2006, and was stunned to see the similarities when he watched 'Swing Vote'.
An LA court dismissed the claims against Disney and Costner, leaving Grammer as the last defendant still fighting the case, and now the 'Frasier' star, who was not involved with the screenwriting process for the film, has won his legal battle and agreed to settle the case with a £6 payout.
According to TMZ, Blakeman decided to accept the measly sum rather than incur potentially large legal costs.
over the last few weeks, my 166 has been having erratic flat battery symptoms. The battery on it was far too small, and was of unknown origins, so I went to autolusso (local alfa garage and breaker) for a replacement.

found a used battery of decent capacity, and fitted it, all good. On the way home, the temp gauge started acting up, it would rocket into the red in a matter of seconds, but if you stopped the engine, then immediately re started it would be back to normal for a few miles - the engine was showing no signs of over heating and was running fine.

when I got home, the battery was sounding flat again, so a call to Days Mk for advice suggested I had a bad earth somewhere. Apparently there are two major ones in the engine bay, one by the cylinder head (that was fine) and one on the trans mount - the main one.

sure enough, i took off the front wheel, and right there by the rubber mount, on the bracket was the main earth strap looking pretty grotty. HA! i thought, so grabbed my spanner, and before I had even turned it, the bolt head fell (not sheared, FELL) off. needless to say, the earth strap was filthy and not making good contact. no problem, I center dotted the bolt, drilled through it and broke out the easy-outs.

this is where it all started to go horribly wrong..

the easy out broke off in the bolt, leaving me with a gnarled ultra hard stub, right where the hole should be. 2½ hours of drilling, drifting, punching later, the lug the earth strap attaches to broke off....

thinking on my feet, I looked at the three bolts that hold the bracket to the gearbox. concluding there should be no detrimental effect, I removed the top one (nice and long) opened out the hole in the earth strap, and secured it using the mounting bolt.

well, the bolt still had plenty of thread to tighten down perfectly, the smooth machined surface under it made the perfect earthing place, and whats more, the strap was the prefect length to secure there.

net result? temp gauge behaves perfectly, and the starter motor spins the engine over faster than it has ever done, all electrical systems working perfectly!

oh well, end result could have been a lot worse!
check out the owners club chairman at the start of the vid!!! (1:08 in)\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">
General Banter / Man walks dog from car.
March 02, 2010, 12:56:47 PM
some people are beyond belief.


A dog owner too lazy to walk his pet has lost his driving licence after getting caught walking the animal while driving his car.

Paul Railton, 23, of County Durham, had wound down the window of his Nissan Navara to exercise his lurcher when police caught him. Officers reported seeing him driving at 5mph along a country lane in County Durham.

At Consett Magistrates' Court, Railton pleaded guilty to not being in proper control of a vehicle at about 2.20pm on December 4 in Stonyheap Lane, near Consett.

Sharon Lowrie, prosecuting, said a cyclist alerted police that two men were dragging a dog along from a car. She said: "The driver was hanging onto the dog's lead through the driver window, approaching a blind summit."

Railton was told to put the dog in the back of the car and was allowed to go, but five days later police turned up at his home to charge him.

A police statement read out to the court said: "I explained the dangers to the other road users and that he was not in full control of the car. Due to the narrow road there was no area for other cars to pass."

Paul Donoghue, mitigating, said Railton had pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunity. He said: "He accepts it was a silly thing to do and there was an element of laziness. He does not usually drive in a such a manner."

The court confirmed that Railton, who is unemployed, was fined £66 and ordered to pay £43 costs and a legal surcharge of £15. He had three penalty points added to his licence and, because he already had nine, this meant he was banned from driving for six months.

After the hearing, Railton, of Wesley Terrace, Annfield Plain, Stanley, told The Journal: "It is a joke. I'm not bothered. I knew I'd get three points. I might save myself some money not having a car."

Last July Railton was one of five people that stood trial in connection with a shooting. But the cases against Railton, three other men and a woman, were thrown out by a High Court judge.