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Topics - philoldsmobile

General Banter / What an utter knob end!
February 27, 2010, 11:15:32 AM
An airline passenger ate his £8,930 winning scratch card after he was told he could not claim the money immediately, it has emerged.

The unnamed man was flying with Ryanair from Krakow in Poland to East Midlands Airport when he won 10,000 euros with the scratch card.

Crew on board the flight confirmed he had won the prize but told the passenger he would have to collect the jackpot directly from the company that runs the competition as it was such a large sum.

Ryanair said the man then became frustrated and started to eat his winning ticket, ruling out any chance he had of claiming the prize money which will now be donated to charity.

Stephen McNamara, a spokesman for the airline, said: "Passengers have always been delighted to claim their large cash prizes after returning home.

"Unfortunately our latest winner felt that we should have his 10,000 euros prize kicking around on the aircraft."

The airline is now asking passengers to vote online to decide where the money should go, after the win on Thursday. Voting will take place until March 5 at\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

General Banter / Is diesel pointless?
February 22, 2010, 02:05:38 PM
interesting results..\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">
General Banter / Mobile phone advice - what would you do?
February 22, 2010, 12:14:54 PM
ok, situation is as follows.

in december, my mobile phone contract was due renewal. As I had just moved (well, in april), I renewed at my new address. Up to this point, I had been paying my mobile bill using my debit card with no problems, but when they swiped it for I.D. it was refused. despite this initial sign of a problem, i renewed anyway.

In the middle of january, my first bill on the new contract arrived, due to be paid by the 26th Jan. on the 26th, I tried to pay using my debit card as usual, but I simply got an error message, saying to try later. this same situation occurred that evening, and both times I tried to pay the next day.

Finally on the 28th (now two days overdue) I tried repeatedly to pay using my card, both over the phone, and online, to no avail. after an hour long phone call, I paid using a bank transfer via faster payments, using instructions from vodafones call center (mobile in one hand to vodafone, and land line in the other to the bank at the same time)

a few days later I received a text from vodafone saying my account was overdue. I phoned them again, and they assured me the payment would show up, in the meantime my bank confirmed the payment had cleared, and to boot, the debit card payments were not refused by them, rather vodafone hadn't even requested them.

a couple of days later I receive a text from vodafone saying I would be cut off if I do not pay. during a long drawn out phone call with a rather hopeless call center agent, he insisted I hadn't paid, despite the fact I had no fewer than five emails confirming my payment. Eventually I had to drive to the vodafone store in MK, where I gave them copies of the emails, and a copy of my bank statement confirming the payment had cleared.

To his credit, the manager did everything possible, and reset my balance to zero, stating when the payment is cleared, it should be considered compensation. To date, the payment has not been credited. After an hour on the phone to the bank this morning, I managed to get a transaction I.D. (huge number, about 25 digits long) that would allow vodafone to trace my money, and credit it to my account.

After spending the entire day (great day off eh?) on the phone to vodafone, they still refuse to allow me to speak to anyone that is in a position to actually trace the transaction and credit the money to my vodafone account. I now have a new bill for £30.50 and am refusing to pay it on account of them currently owing my account £45.62, effectively negating this months bill, and leaving a credit of £15.12 towards next months bill.

As they are not seemingly capable of processing my payments in an effective manor, am I within rights to return the sim, and declare the contract null and void? also, would I be within rights to claim further compensation from them? I have now lost another day due to their inability to handle my complaint. It is worth noting that on three occasions today they have taken my number, and said a manager will call me back in the hour. this has not happened.

I don't want anything more to do with vodafone, is there any way I can get out of the contract on legal grounds due to unacceptable service?
#80\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

and they want €500! mind you, when was the last time you saw one? when i started driving they were everywhere!
Music & Movies / Chevy Impala in Supernatural..
January 27, 2010, 03:36:35 PM
Anyone who has seen supernatural knows the car, cool as hell black 67 impala 4 door pillarless...

interesting stuff about the cars they use on the series (incidently, filmed in canada!)


Dean's 1967 Chevrolet Impala features heavily throughout the series.
Throughout the series, Dean drives a black 1967 Chevrolet Impala. Having been passed down to him by his father, it is Dean's most prized possession, with actor Jensen Ackles feeling that it is Dean's "life" and "sanctuary".[113] The brothers travel in it throughout the country as they hunt the supernatural, and the trunk holds various weaponry. In the first two seasons, it has a Kansas license plate with the number KAZ 2Y5, a reference to the Winchesters' home state of Kansas, and the series premiere date of 2005.[113] Towards the end of the second season, the car sports a new Ohio license plate (CNK 80Q3) to aid the brothers in hiding from the FBI.[114]
The origins of the Impala were first depicted in the comic mini-series Supernatural: Origins, in which John Winchester takes ownership of the car from Mary's uncle after accidentally getting him killed during a hunt. However, fans responded negatively to this, as John is shown with the Impala in the teaser for the pilot episode, which is chronologically set before the comic series. Due to this, the comic was altered for the trade paperback version,[115] with the Impala's true origins later being depicted in the series' fourth season. Having been sent back to 1973 by the angel Castiel, Dean convinces his father to purchase the Impala over a 1964 VW Van.
All of the cars used in the show are stock 1967 Chevrolet Impalas four-door hardtops. They feature Chevrolet small-block engines, recolored interiors, custom seats, and nonfunctioning radios. Other than the one used in the original, all of the Impalas had to be painted black for the series. One of the Impalas used features a detachable roof and doors for up-close shots, and is capable of being separated in half
General Banter / I love scrappage......
December 31, 2009, 09:35:00 AM
due to the scrappage scheme, and one of the guys on the alfa forum scrapping his 166 (criminal!) i have managed to source a set of these rather awesome wheels, that i have been after for some time.\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

doing the swap before the ace cafe meeet tomorrow.
General Banter / You want HOW MUCH?
December 13, 2009, 12:44:13 PM
eBay is a great place for dreamers, as we all know, but this takes the biscuit..

A truly terrible car, and a disgrace to the Maserati name... its almost even a disgrace to the chrysler name, they took the Le Barron (an ok ish car in its own way if you dont expect too much) and vulgarised it. The icing on the cake is its condition!!\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">
Me Dads motor.. most of you know it.

very good condition, 117,000 miles, excellent condition, two new tyres, high end LPG sequential injection system (cost nearly £3k), grey leather, CD player, privacy glass, everything works, full years MOT, will have 12 months Tax (runs out end Dec.) phenomenal tow vehicle, excellent drive for such a big SUV, quiet and smooth.

Totally reliable, maintained regardless of cost. has been owned for nearly 8 years by my Father, in this time its never let him down and had virtually zero faults, a truly great car.  The LPG system makes this car a viable daily driver.

looking for £6000 o.v.n.o.
General Banter / took the money and ran...............
December 05, 2009, 08:18:15 AM
like a startled fawn on a cold december morn.....

Got my new phone yesterday, and was gobsmacked when phones4u said they can offer me £30 for my old manky prada.

when i asked if it was credited to my vodafone account, the girl said "no, you give us the old handset, and we give you £30 cash right now" (double what mazuma or envirofone offer) once the sim was out, i didn't even keep hold of it long enough to replace the battey or cover, instead depositing a pile of dismantled phone on the desk!

very nice surprise - it was going to be hit with a hammer, but this was far better!

now have a Nokia 6700 classic, very nice, and shiny being made of stainless steel.. its about 3 times heavier than the LG, feels very solid and classy. I dont get excited about phones in any way, but this really is cool - best phone i've seen since the Motorola Krazr I had before the prada.

and no, i dont rate the i phone at all... this is absolutely PERFECT for me.

Alfa Romeo's sales resurgence in the UK continued unabated during September, with the Italian sporting car manufacturer recording one of the highest year-to-date increases of any brand, and among the highest percentage increase for the new registration month.

In an industry badly affected by the recession, Alfa Romeo recorded a remarkable 148.5% rise in 59 plate registrations for the month, to deliver nearly 2,000 new cars to UK customers.

These figures continue the Italian marque's upward trend, with more than 7,135 new Alfa Romeos sold here in the year-to-date, up 40.4% on the same period last year.

The Alfa MiTo – the marque's new sporty compact model – leads the way with sales, supported by the Alfa 159, Brera and Spider which have all contributed positively to the brand's success.

Alfa Romeo UK Sales Director, Andrew Sproston says: "This is great news for all concerned. Our growth is in-line with the expectations and objectives we set out at the beginning of the year.

"The hard work and investment we have put into the restructure of this iconic brand is now starting to pay off, and has played a vital part in our improved sales. Across the board, Alfa Romeo is returning to its rightful position as a leading quality brand, and customers are taking note. Built up over the past few years, our new product range has been complemented by our improved dealer network, better training and servicing, and dedicated attention to customer care."

Not only has the Italian sporting car brand recorded one of the largest month-to-date percentage increases in the UK market, Alfa Romeo is one of just three manufacturers to record an overall rise in sales during 2009 – an even more impressive achievement when the current economic climate is taken into consideration.

In September, Alfa Romeo's market share was 0.54%, more than double (125% increase) its presence in the UK car market compared to September last year.\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">
General Banter / Bono - true story
October 02, 2009, 04:38:10 PM
At the U2 concert in Sydney, lead singer Bono asks the audience for some quiet. Then in the silence, he starts to slowly clap his hands. Holding the audience in total silence, he says into the microphone,

"Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies."

An "Aussie" voice from near the front pierces the silence,

"Well, stop f**king clapping, ya d**k'ead."
General Banter / Pistonheads SOTW
August 14, 2009, 04:13:25 PM
is a 166 this week....\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

nothing but praise for it, great price, too.
General Banter / unusual car of the day....
August 08, 2009, 05:50:25 AM
the Bently estate got me thinking.. cool estates.

how about this - it is a factory car, not a conversion, just 7 made, Ferrari 456 estate.

Listed my top box and rack on ebay, and sold it for £64.99 inc postage.  the box was dispatched last monday via business post, and delivered the next day. Rather than put the heavy 5kg box back on his van and put a card through the door (as they are epxected to do) when the recipient was out, the muppet from business post simply left it by the front door, next to the bins. surprise surprise, it was stolen.

so what is the point in specifying a signature?

now i have to go through the hassle of claiming for the stolen parcel. this is gonna be fun.
even pop musicians had talent.. lets see James Gray or David Blunt or whoever do something like this..\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">
General Banter / Burglary in Florida
July 18, 2009, 04:17:31 AM
When southern Florida resident Nathan Radlich's house was burglarized recently, thieves ignored his wide screen plasma TV, his VCR, and even left his Rolex watch. What they did take, however, was a generic white cardboard box filled with a grayish-white powder.

(That's the way the police report described it.)

A spokesman for the Fort Lauderdale police said that it looked similar to high grade cocaine and they'd probably thought they'd hit the big time.

Later, Nathan stood in front of numerous TV cameras and pleaded with the burglars: "Please return the cremated remains of my sister, Gertrude. She died three years ago."

The next morning, the bullet-riddled corpse of a local drug dealer known as Hoochie Pevens was found on Nathan's doorstep. The cardboard box was there too; about half of Gertrude's ashes remained.

Scotch taped to the box was this note which said: "Hoochie sold us the bogus blow, so we wasted Hoochie. Sorry we snorted your sister. No hard feelings. Have a nice day".

And you thought California was the land of fruits and nuts!
Projects / Project Minty rebuild.
June 30, 2009, 10:14:56 AM
okay, time to revisit this (the timing seemed wrong on the old thread in light of the events of the last couple of weeks)

as you all well know, a bit of a faux pas on the CBR turned it from this..


into this........

the damage total was;

right hand mirror
top fairing
right hand lower fairing
front brake master cylinder cap
front sub frame
top fairing

so far, a new sub frame, headlight and clocks have been sourced and fitted, and the exhaust has been repaired (thanks for much valued assistance Shifty and Roadkill)

currently, she looks like this....

so, it is coming along.. should be back on the road middle of next week.
General Banter / an important announcement.
June 23, 2009, 06:09:58 AM
at 11:08am this morning, i caved in and am heading out to morrisons for porridge oats and milk. that is all.

p.s. not taken any meds yet, so can drive until i get back and take some!
Projects / oops.. project minty rebuild..
June 14, 2009, 03:35:48 PM
had a bit of a sky / ground / wall moment while out on the CBR this morning, a later inspection of the road surface revealed a patch of oil i rode through just as i hit the brakes for a corner. mind you, i managed a skid mark about 80ft long!

damage on the CBR is restricted to clocks, headlight upper fairing, a bent exhaust bracket, broken RH mirror, and a few scrapes on the fairing lower.

damage to me is less obvious but there, i'm on crutches, my right hip hurts like hell, but other than that, i'm fine. the RST suit peformed amazingly well, and is almost completely unmarked, with just a couple of marks about an inch long on the left elbow.

bike is coming home on saturday in a transit, and i'm gonna be off work for a week or two.

oh, i'm on prescription strength co-codine and something else thats kinda like stronger ibuprofen, the codine is making me a little high, so its all good!

could be worse - priced up everything and it seems i can have the bike back in pre accidnet condition for about £120

oh well, we all make mistakes..

Those flickering, dim compact fluorescent light bulbs that moonbats want to force us to use because they will allegedly save a few pennies on the electric bill cost about $4.28 a bulb — so long as you don't break one. If you do, the cost will be in the neighborhood of $2,004.28.

Knowing that the bulbs contain highly toxic mercury, Brandy Bridges of Ellsworth, Maine got on the phone for advice after breaking one. She ended up dealing with the bureauweenies at the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, who sent a specialist to her house to test for contamination. Her daughter's bedroom had to be sealed off while she scraped up the $2,000 to pay for cleanup. Her insurance wouldn't pay because mercury is a pollutant.

There are about 5 billion light sockets in North American households. Each will be a potential toxic waste site if liberals are successful at imposing compact fluorescents.

By the way, compact fluorescent bulbs are manufactured in China and India, where there are virtually no environmental regulations. Waste presumably goes into the nearest river.

Soon we'll need to dispose of billions of these subpar bulbs. According to Maine safety standards, it takes 16,667 cubic meters of soil to contain the mercury in a single bulb. The entire country is going to turn into a Superfund site at the behest of environmentalists, whose Dem allies are pushing for a ban on incandescent bulbs in the name of the global warming hoax.
many many reported problems, especially concerning the gearbox, and water ingress / door shut sensors... have ford cut a corner too far? seems ford are back on their budget car cheap and nasty qualities again. for what? so much work to earn a reputation of quality with the focus and mondeo, but its all down the pan again with the the fiesta..... yup, once again ford are the dustbin of motoring. why would you buy a new fester when the fiat 500 is so much better?\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">
General Banter / gotta love British weather...
April 19, 2009, 07:44:10 PM
can you believe these pics were taken just 10 weeks apart? at the same location, too...