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Messages - yorkshirespud

General Banter / She (almost) lives!!
October 11, 2007, 10:44:29 AM
Me and Dr Frank finally couldn't put it off any longer, and had a go at firing up the truck last night.

It had took us a while to get the starter motor working first, as it wasn't engaging at all. After some head scratching and placing it on the old block to see where we were going wrong, we figured out we had put it on upside down! Ooops. Once the right way up the engine turned over.

Topped up the engine oil, put water and antifreeze in the rad, power steering fluid in the reservoir, and plugged the ECU brain back in beihind the glovebox (had been removed to fiddle with it, and ensure starter motor test didn't attempt to start the engine).

Finally put some the old leads from the old dizzy on and checked all the plugs were tight. I have a MSD Blaster box to mount and intstall yet, but for firing up the engine, standard will do.

We couldn't seem to get the engine going initially no matter how we fiddled with the base timing, untill Dr Frank had an inkling that the dizzy was in 180 degrees the wrong way round. We quickly moved all the leads round on the dizzy by 4 and tried again. It burst (briefly) into life! At which point we realised the both the petrol tanks were empty and the daylight was dying.

So today, I have juiced her up with 5 gallons in each tank, bolted on the exhausts, and took the leads back off again. We're off out in a minute to remove the dizzy and rotate it 180 degrees so the leads can be put on in their natural places, and we'll try again. Will let you know how it goes later!!
General Banter / bikers corner.
October 07, 2007, 05:54:10 PM
There must be something in the air!

Funnily enought I plumped for the bike this weekend to 45ish mile ride up to Dr Frank's and work on the truck from South London to Bucks. Some urban, country, and motorway riding, and a damn good blast it was too
Classifieds & Useful eBay Links / mmm boe tai
September 26, 2007, 11:53:44 AM
All this is exactly why I imported my own myself
General Banter / Update on my engine rebuild
September 26, 2007, 08:45:13 AM
Quoting: Cunning Plan
Is the 2nd space on the crank pulley for the water pump?

Yeah even though it's a 'serpentine conversion kit', there are still two belts instead of a true factory system with just one belt. It is all a LOT cleaner than the original comedy factory belt system, which was an unbelieveable hodgepodge of 4 belts, some V-belt, some serpentine!

The new system has one belt for the water pump and alternator, and the other for power steering pump (which also runs the brakes in a hydroboost braking system!) and the a/c compressor, with an extra idler for routing.

The water pump is and a/c compressor are new, but I have managed to reuse the alternator and HAD to reuse power steering pump as it is riculously rare. If you look carefully in the second picture you will spot the power steering pump with the reservoir port out of the top has been 'reconditioned' by me with a wire bush, some primer, and gloss black paint

It used to look like this ...

General Banter / Update on my engine rebuild
September 25, 2007, 05:52:44 PM
I thought I'd post some more pictures of how my engine rebuild has progressed, which is now literly a couple of housrs away from the fire up party.

Here's the March Pulley Serpentine system taking shape

Then I got the correct A/C compressor to fit, and added some new rad hose

The stock rad shroud and viscous fan has been junked for a heavy duty PermaCool twin electric fan setup

Had some silly little bits left to do, such as put the power steering / hyrdroboost brakes reservoir somewhere. The March system assumes an in-reservoir p/s pump, but the 454 1-tons have a separate high capacity reservoir due to the shared steering / brake duty, plus the pump itelf has the normal high pressure port and return, but also has an extra low pressure return and the pipe to the reservoir.

I had to put it somewhere so made up a simple bracket

and fitted it to an existing intake bolt

Also finished the wiring and fitted the new battery. Just need to put some HT leads on it, and reconnect the computer and TPS and MAP sensors, and fire it up. We tried turning it over, put the new starter motor didn't seem to connect to the flex plate. We'll have another look at it next time we go down to the yard, because I'm not leaving next time I go there until it's running!!
Classifieds & Useful eBay Links / Move to MK.....
September 17, 2007, 10:05:08 AM
I couldn't do it!! Even going beyond Zone 6 daily for work in Guildford is giving me the serious hump!! I moved out of London for a litte while ealier in the year, and I was back in South London after that experience faster than a fast thing!!

Nice to have the space tho ..
General Banter / A few more pictures
September 16, 2007, 09:58:05 AM
I know I should really have it running ny now, but we did make more progress again yesterday. All the hoses have now been completed, including water and power steering oil (which had 2 returns, 1 high pressure, and 1 resovoir pipe). I do still have to make up a bracket to hold the resovoir in place:

The replacement electric fans instead of the stock clutch fan and shroud is also now in place:

The earth and power cables to the starter motor are also now replaced with new ones. All is really left to do is put some new spark plugs in it and fire it up! (Plus a few little more things, of course!)
General Banter / Got two vehicles back on the road at last
September 13, 2007, 07:09:37 PM
Yesterday morning I was down to NO working vehicles, with the Jag out of action with a blown heater hose and no coolant, and the bike, although freshly MOTd had a duff battery!!

So yesterday evening I picked up hose, clips, anti-freeze, and a new motorike battery from Halfrauds. This morning I had to fill the new battery with acid and fit it to the bike. I was slightly worried the new battery was a little larger than the old, but it fitted fine. So I finally had transport to work!.

I've also replaced the broken Jag hose:

with some generic heater hose that seemed about right. It's a straight piece rather than the original which has a slight bend, but it's so short it should be ok I hope. There is a very slight kink in it on one side, but it certainly isn't pinched or collapsed:

It's got two chances!! I've given it a good rag around the block and it seems to be still attached and not leaking. Fingers crossed.

Now to do some truck this weekend!!
General Banter / Too many accidents at traffic lights.
September 12, 2007, 05:41:55 PM
That's a landmark 'art installation' on the edge of Canary Wharf, you doofus
Quoting: EDGE
thats why i drive in to central london everyday !!

Chance'd be a fine thing. Who'd think I'd be missing my last contract on the Local Government Gravy Train for Islington Council. Taxpayers money straight into my back pocket for doing naff all, and I got to ride the Suzy SV1000S into work every day ...
Quoting: EDGE
NO-ONE likes the train....

where are you working nowdays ?


It's a quick half an hour blast straight out of London on the A3 from my flat nestled in Zone 3 south of the river in civilisation out to the boonies to spend a jouyous day in a souless business park on the outskirts of Guildford.

Just about bearable in the car, but on the train, sheesh!!!
The amount of hoses under that bonnet make it look like an explosion at a garden centre ...

I'm at work now. After getting up an hour early. To get the train. :::grrrr:::
Fiddle-arse, gonna have to get up early tomorrow and get the train to work. Someone at work asked today 'How's the Jag?' (my daily driver), to which I replied 'Yeah good, it hasn't played up for weeks and week'.

Well that was the kiss of doom of course ...

Luckily after the 30-odd mile drive was almost over, and I was only a mile away from home tonight, I stopped at some lights, and a woman and her kid were pointing at the Jag from the pavement, which is when I noticed a huge plume of smoke/steam coming from the bonnet:

Thankfully it isn't a *huge* problem, as the hose that has developed a hole in it (don't know how, but it has), is just a simple 6 inch piece of heater type hose held by two jubilee clips, so it should be easily replacableable. Whether I can get the c*cking thing off is another matter, one of the clips is a git to get to ...

Might as well go collect the bike from it's MOT tomorrow night, I was gonna wait till the weekend, but I need transport!!
General Banter / Edging closer ...
September 09, 2007, 05:59:34 PM
Bit more wiring and various pipery to go, then I WILL fire it up!!!
General Banter / Edging closer ...
September 09, 2007, 02:59:15 PM
I had to get that colour coolant hose because it matches the block paint!
General Banter / Edging closer ...
September 09, 2007, 01:36:41 PM
... to completion of the truck rebuild. *Still* not there yet, but getting closer. We drilled out the alternator bracket to allow the new bigger bolt through it. Also got one of the belts on and started looking at some of the starter motor wiring that needs to be replaced. The main thing was getting the reconditioned radiator back in, and new water hoses on as well:

Dr Frank is lurking in this pic:

General Banter / Over my dead body
September 06, 2007, 04:46:54 AM
Quoting: philoldsmobile
cant fault that logic...

rape would be a much easier crime to solve, that cant be a bad thing...

A very naive view.

Here's a simple one from a different forum for you:

Burglar steals some of your possesions including a hanky you blew your nose on with your DNA, and then leaves it as the scene of a serious crime (like rape).

Your DNA was found there, you must be involved/guilty. Prove you weren't, prove your innocence. You can't? Tough. You must be guilty. Bye bye innocent until proven guilty ...
General Banter / Over my dead body
September 05, 2007, 12:17:41 PM
Quoting: Pod
DNA however, _can_ be used for all sorts of things, and the list is only going to grow. Insurance companies would love it - they'd be able to find out if you were at a higher risk of getting diseases.

Even if you assume the current people in charge are fair, what about any future ones?

That's precisely the point.
General Banter / Over my dead body
September 05, 2007, 08:21:47 AM
Quoting: F Body
Well we already have the highest number of Government Agency owned CCTV camera's in the world

You may say over your dead body, but all that will happen is unless you have provided a DNA sample they'll refuse to give you a national insurance number etc.

No doubt. Though even before that, it's much more also likely that unless you have a black box fitted to your car for 'road pricing' you won't be able to get a MOT.

No matter. If the government choose to criminalise me as part of their enforcement of these draconian laws, so be it. I will become a criminal by default if necessary.

I've no doubt many other people feel exactly the same.
General Banter / Over my dead body
September 05, 2007, 07:23:28 AM
Quoting: F Body
It'll happen and be followed by everyone being fitted with a microchip so they can find out where and when we are

May I redirect you to the title of the thread ...
General Banter / Over my dead body
September 05, 2007, 06:24:06 AM
General Banter / The Speed Camera's finally got me.....
September 05, 2007, 05:29:30 AM
Quoting: Fieldy
I know what you mean, But my simple answer would be, If you have 9 points on your license, why speed again and risk losing your license?

Oh dear. I do believe you'd made the fatal schoolboy error in assumuing the system is fair and just
General Banter / The Speed Camera's finally got me.....
September 05, 2007, 05:21:27 AM
It's never been the fine that bothered me, would pay that in an instant if that was all there was, it's the points that are the problem.

To quote PePiPoo, you should fight every set of points. Sure, you have a clean license now and don't fight the first 3 points. What happens down the line when you might have 9 points, and get another 3 that you cannot possibly get out of, won't you be regretting not figthing that first 'easy' set of 3 points from before??
General Banter / The Speed Camera's finally got me.....
September 05, 2007, 04:43:19 AM
As some may remember I got 'caught' by a Gatso last year, then played the full game of 6 months bluff and bluster paperwork. In the end it got all the way to court in front of the three wise monkeys, and with PePiPoo's help (though representing myself), was acquited due to a technicality in their paperwork (missing witness statement), though I had to fight for it.

I won!! so it can be done
Quoting: F Body
Quoting: Roadkill
and buy a Jaguar

Stupid Boy

Oi!!! What's wrong with with Jags then ??

I of course havew to drive one, cos I live in Sarf Laandan, innit?