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Messages - Deadmeat

Probably not going to make it this weekend after all guys, sorry.
Probably not going to make it this weekend after all guys, sorry.
Probably pop over Saturday to Sunday if that's alright. Won't have BF:BC2 but have the other two, and got flatout.
FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage 66% off on Steam at the moment, well for another 9hrs at £5.77

Are the dates confirmed btw?
depending on dates I'll be up for that. will have to see about bc2....must be pretty cheap by now :)
oh ditto btw, can't be buying new games atm sorry...not if I want beer...and beer wins!

think the only one I don't have is Bad Company
pretty certain I'll be there with Kenny on Saturday (from lunch ish) and Sunday (till Dinner ish)
Put me down as a maybe
Questions and Queries / Sat Nav Recommendations ?
March 05, 2011, 06:15:04 PM
hmm just did a quick look, might have dreamt the copy route feature, and they both have google search...
Questions and Queries / Sat Nav Recommendations ?
March 05, 2011, 05:39:36 PM
does copilot have lane assist? might be interested if so since tomtom on my phone is "aquired" so no traffic reports.
I've used garmin satnav for years, get on with it pretty well. have tomtom on phone but prefer garmin tbh, even if it does like the scenic route.
I would go for one where you can set you route via google maps on the pc and transfer the rout to the satnav. pretty sure one if them does that but can't recall if it was garmin or tomtom...
I dont' have AutoCAD, only Solidworks, but can't you use the virtual XP mode\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">
should be able to come, maybe only sat and sunday though.
mkweb still says its next weekend
Quoting: Incursus
Brief side trip to Cruga Biltong Ltd?

let me know if you do, just looked at their website shop....wouldn't mind trying some of these Cruga Droewors -,productname\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Beersticks. dunno what they are but they sound good!
chair at front window again..least think that's were I was last time... unless Kenny just took that which case where ever...
I believe I have an acquired version of flatout UC, will check tonight if I remember. pretty certain though.

Mr outram can't come.
Should be there Sat/Sun day, not sure about Friday yet.  will sort my own snax but may put in for evening meal if I run out :)

don't have Battlefield Bad Company II but should be able to run everything else...
secured second laptop, bring a mouse who ever is going to use it since I don't think I have a spare.
oh and I have a guitar for Wii if we need another?
if we not doing bbq count me out for costco to please, will savory snack myself up as well
i'll be there saturday...lunchish I guess till Sunday Afternoonish.  There still plans for BBQ? if so should I bring meat or are we putting into a costco fund?

Edit: oh and Chris can I borrow your blow up? :P and let me know if you need my old XPS beore Friday please...since I will have to "borrow" it back from work.
Can do Saturday and Sunday (Morning). btw Chris, my old XPS laptop might be available, can't remember if it could run GTA4 though, has a Geforce Go 7950 GTX in it if that helps. (edit just remembered I never tried with it, never had enough free HDD, but that shouldn't be a problem now..if the gfx can take it)

New one should be able too, along with anything else. got a GTA4 disk somewhere, though tbh I thought the single player kinda sucked! got Modern Warfare 2 as well.
General Banter / Just taken delivery of a iPhone
October 08, 2009, 10:01:16 AM
no but orange will be selling them soon so might look next time :)
Computers and Games / LANFest 8 - May 15th-17th
May 15, 2009, 02:08:15 PM
should be there about lunch time tomorrow