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Messages - Carl 88GTA

glad to help

The multi-region code I used was from posts #2 and #3 in\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">this thread
If you're only after a player I'd recommend the Samsung DVD 1080P8, and I know the multi-region hack works first-hand :)  Image quality's good too, lots of good reviews.\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">
Computers and Games / My PC Causing problems again
December 08, 2007, 08:02:45 PM
Several things to try, updating drivers is a good idea- be sure to fully uninstall the old drivers before updating.  You maight find some newer drivers\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">here, (good site for utility programs too).

If it doesn't do that graphics thing immediately upon starting the game, it might be worth taking the side of your case off to test if the card is just overheating with prolonged use- if you can aim a desk fan at the card that's even better (just for testing of course)  If you can download a hardware monitoring program you could check your system/CPU/GFX temps.  I use nvidia's ntune, handy because it allows you to log temps, voltages, etc. when running aplications.

Might be worth double-checking your PSU has enough grunt for your PC, especially if you've upgraded it since you got it.  What card is it/PSU make/size?

Does it do it when not playing games?  Also, does it do it when playing older games (2005-6), it might be a pixel shader issue or something that'll only show up on newer stuff.  May well be solved by drivers if that's the case, though.

Make sure your DX9.0c is fully up-to-date too, think there was an update only a couple of months ago for that.

More specifically, if it didn't do it on the old EVE client and you updated the old one without doing a fresh install, it might be worth doing a full re-install incase it's just another new client bug.  Be sure to make a backup of your settings, etc. though- you don't want to lose any GUI settings!

Oh, and I hope you managed to avoid the boot.ini destruction-fest too

Hope you find a solution
General Banter / Welcome Carl 88GTA
November 10, 2007, 02:31:16 PM
Hi everyone, thanks for the welcome

The car did stall a couple of times when I had the lights on Rocky, but I'm going to leave it for a week or 2 just incase it's me it can't be too serious or it wouldn't go as well as it does!