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Messages - Losty

I found this...  it may help for the time being....

Its something about DUAL OR QUAD CPUS Affinities. So basically, I don't know why but, if you set ONLY CPU 0 on both eve.exe you should be fine without any BSOD...

How you do that??? CTRL + ALT + DELETE , Right click on WoW.exe and then click on SET AFFINITY and just make sure you use CPU0 on both eve.exe...

You should no longer have the BSOD HA10KX2K.SYS error...
General Banter / Clarkson Busted.
March 12, 2008, 03:59:09 PM
and how did the person manage to take the picture...

on their phone............?
I "think" you may get a pretty decent amount for the agp gfx card, as new decent ones are getting rarer, should you decide to sell it
The main reason for my pc being so expensive at the time was that i was having to do a total upgrade, mobo/cpu/memory/gfx, but the advantage now is, all i need to do is either cpu or gfx   \o/

One other factor at the time, was that the monitor and gfx card were out less than a month when i "needed" to buy,like a fool, i paid through the nose for it.  

the monitor itself asus mw221...not a 226 as i said above)is now £70 cheaper  (mind you if it was badged with a silly fruit like logo it woulda been nearly £500 to start with )
£1.2k inc monitor
tbh, atm, your most important component to buy will be the motherboard.

ensure it can take sli x 16 ... some only do it x8, then pop in a average ( ie cheap) dual core awesomeness  e6600/e6700 would do for the moment, then plonk in the faster ( and cheaper ) cpu later

My system as it stands, is 1 year old, and consists of

1 x Intel core2duo E6600
1 x Asus pn5-e-sli Mobo
1 x Bfg nvidia 8800gts ( 640Mb)
4Gb of matched ram
Extreme Music XFI soundcard
random HD
and a slightly generic modular psu...
and the Asus mw226 22" widescreen monitor
I doubt mine would even cost £600 if it were to be built nowadays possibly £700 with the monitor...

All i need to do for my next upgrade, is either change out the cpu, or change out the gfx, but, atm, I dont think there will be a need within the next year...
Quoting: 55starchief
If i was a serious gamer i would just bootcamp it

i doubt you could be called a serious gamer with that

gaymer maybe...
just get a dual core atm, then pop in a quad core for much less when its warrented

tbh, there still isnt that much more you can do with dual core atm, never mind quad...

I've had my dual core for a year now, and nothing has come close to even nearly taxing it

I'd also advise against SLI ing up the cards

just get the mutts nutts in a single card solution.. then again, in the future, if warrented, you just pop in another.... or replace it with the amd xxxgtfxomg or the nvidia jesusHwtfbbq (whatever the next gen cards will be called)
Computers and Games / Gaming Laptops ?
February 26, 2008, 01:22:04 PM\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

the shuttles are about the size of a shoebox!\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

barebone systems comprise of case/psu/mobo/heatsink

you add the gfx, hd, and optical and ram

i sold my one about 4 years ago, and wish I hadn't
Computers and Games / P.C's Dead.
February 23, 2008, 04:31:43 AM
hard shut down? as in complete power off and no blue screen?

It may be worth trying to remove the cpu - clean it- re-spooge it, and replace?

I had a couple of incident s where my pc has just totally switched off, and ^^ is how i resolved it ( or it was coincidence)

If the cpu is slightly older, it may be that the spooge is too dry and acting as an insulator, therefore, getting hotter, and possibly drawing more power, hence the psu shutting down to protect it ?
Computers and Games / P.C's Dead.
February 20, 2008, 12:53:40 PM
the ubuntu live cd is slightly better,as it is more user friendly...

cant remember too much from DSL though :(
Computers and Games / P.C's Dead.
February 19, 2008, 02:54:30 PM
oh, the ubuntu one is like 650mb
the damn small linux is around 50Mb

Ubuntu saved me on saturday when i accidently deleted some important start up files from windows....

booted from the cd, and plugged in the usb drive with the files on it, and plonked them back in the windows/system32 folder and job was a good un!
Computers and Games / P.C's Dead.
February 19, 2008, 02:51:34 PM
get a linux live CD, and boot up from it

it gives you a full operating system, and if its not the hard drive thats fooked, then it will give you the ability to back up your stuff as it would let you transfer files onto your external usb drive\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

download and burn to cd either of the above image files
Is TF2 an actual stand alone game, or does it require the HL2 engine??
General Banter / Dam it's cold this morning.
November 24, 2007, 01:38:28 PM
senility could have the same effect
Computers and Games / I have no life....
November 19, 2007, 03:07:13 PM
The ideas behind eve did appeal to me, but I remember Chris being shown it at Andrews LAN one time, and thought........ZZZZZzzzz
However, I CAN see why some people get hooked to it
General Banter / Mahna Mahna
November 09, 2007, 06:48:31 PM\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">
General Banter / Czesc from Poland!
October 31, 2007, 04:32:33 PM
get laid?  
Computers and Games / Can someone recommend . . .
October 18, 2007, 06:58:38 PM
icybox and decent size HD!

icybox\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

HD\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

take HD, shove into icybox, oplug into PC, either via a USB cable ( even YOU can manage that)

if your motherboard has sata...( ask Chris )
Then plug the sata backplate that comes with the icybox into an internal header on your mobo  ( dead easy too) and you can connect the icybox with your new HD that way, and it will run at UBER quick speeds, as it should run at the same speeds an internal drive

i has one!  and it has blue LEDS, what more can you want?
Projects / ***PROJECT DUSTER***
October 17, 2007, 12:42:30 PM
Quoting: Incursus
very large parts

he said large parts.....
General Banter / Welcome Deadmeat
October 15, 2007, 04:32:48 PM
Computers and Games / UT3 beta demo thingy
October 13, 2007, 05:35:37 AM
runs silky smooth on here, never drops under 60fps (vsync ftl)

strange bit in the middle of the deathmatch, when one of you can jump into a huge "Walker" type machine