I'm a broken Man !

Started by F Body, May 01, 2010, 08:43:39 AM

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F Body

Here I am innocently at work trying earn a few more shekels for my beloved family when I get stabbed in the back ! 25 years of marriage and two teenage children thrown down the pan. How could she stoop so low ? Have I not endeavour to provide a good family home and a  reasonable standard of living ? I know I'm not perfect, well actually far from it, but I don't smoke or drink and try to treat her with respect and would never harm a hair on her silvery head.

OK I do sometimes prefer the company of my Camaro and occasionally selfishly go out on my motorcycle, but what for the love of god have I done to deserve being treated like this ? I know, I know the 12/14 working days haven't helped, but I always do the washing up after dinner and ask if there is anything else I can do to help ? I try to keep up to date with repair jobs and keep her car, serviced, repaired and clean. I help the kids with their homework which is getting tuff with all this GCSE stuff and will do most domestic chores. Yes, yes I admit that I'm not very good at ironing, but it's not really my fault, try as I might the creases never seem to appear in exactly the right place.

We've had our ups and downs over the years, who hasn't ? But I never ever expected to be treated this way ! We have always tried to talk through our differences, be they big or small and I thought that there wasn't anything we could sort out ?

So it's come to this ? I can't believe that I have to blame someone who I called my friend ? He wasn't my best ever friend, but he was still my friend, we'd met usually at least monthly and we'd chat about cars and general crap, he was always pleasant and didn't seem to pay much interest to my wife ? However behind my back he was hatching plans that would collapse my world. Some of you will be shocked to learn the identity of this so called friend ?  On the face it a nice affable chap, quiet and unassuming and often very helpful.

I really should have noticed the signs before now, when I rang her phone was often engaged or busy, bad signal again she'd say, when I entered the room the web page was suddenly shut down because she'd finished what she was doing. How could I have been so naive ? I thought I was a man of the world, been there done that, read the book, hell ever wrote the book on some occasions ! Now I'm just a broken shell of the former man, a lost child wandering with no where to go. This friend, if I can still call him that, the person who betrayed my trust, you will be dismayed to learn is a founder member of this very car forum !

A figure known and respected by many of you, I fear that I'm not alone in being duped by his cunning ways, some of your loved ones may well have been led along a dark path to oblivion. I can barely bring myself to mention his name, but name and shame him I must ? It is dear friends and colleagues non other than our own Incursus ! Before your very fertile minds run amok with thoughts of what my wife and Chris have been up to, I must warn you that it is far far worse than anything you can imagine ?

If it was just an affair, some casual sex meetings or may be even dogging, I could have coped. Hell he could have even taken her out in his Ford Mustang and I'd have eventally got over it.
Of course I wouldn't have been best pleased and may have said some angry words in the heat of the moment, but remember no one is perfect and I thought the secret of a long and happy marriage was honesty and the ability to forgive ? However they really have over stepped the mark. On Tuesday ( after the Bank Holiday Monday ) I shall be consulting my solicitors, because she has only gone and joined ruddy Facebook !



I only read the last few lines but you need a damn hobby man, that's an EPIC waste of your own time typing that!!b If I'd have actally spent time reading it I'd have been most thrilled :(

Big Mouse
