Buy It Now! Buy It Now!!

Started by Fieldy, September 30, 2010, 07:06:19 AM

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F Body

Quoting: Fieldy
Seriously, buy it now....

Disregarding how much it's actually worth

One of the list items is :

In the last three weeks Painted Black = £500

That'll be good paint job then


Quoting: F Body
Disregarding how much it's actually worth

One of the list items is :

In the last three weeks Painted Black = £500

That'll be good paint job then

£450 worth of that was the scaffolding to get to the roof!!


How can they claim it's a Limo?

How many can they fit in the back?

F Body

Time left:   1h 12m 23s (30 Sep, 201023:44:01 BST)

Bid history: 0 bids

Starting bid:   £8,000.00   

Come on Guy's it's had a £500 paint job


I don't have space on the drive


F Body

Ended with zero bids, he's got zero chance of somebody paying £8k+ for that

I also find it hard to believe that it's only covered 23,500 miles since 1984


Quoting: F Body
Ended with zero bids

what a waste of a listing fee... thats 100K BIN will have cost him a bit to put on..

It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


damn, you´d struggle to shift that joke at 1800.........