Salford teenager describes £33k car insurance shock !

Started by F Body, March 23, 2011, 08:40:46 AM

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F Body

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Ignoring the supposedly erroneous figure (the AA have always quoted me 2-3 times my best quote) his AVERAGE quote was still 12 grand and the cheapest was almost 6 grand!

Something needs to be done about this as while younger drivers may well be higher risk based on the average quote he could write off his 3k Corsa and write off a 9k car (or cause 9k of damage to another vehicle) and the insurance company would still break even...  

They say the UK average quote for a male aged 17-22 is £2,750 and that's still outrageous imho.

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
his AVERAGE quote was still 12 grand and the cheapest was almost 6 grand!

Exactly and it's cheaper for my 17 year old to go fully comp than third party and slap your face

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
and the insurance company would still break even..

I really don't think it's about breaking even, I think it's just risk avoidance, i.e They don't want to insure young drivers full stop


All this means is that you have a load of young drivers with no insurance...


hmm insurance - don't get me started - trying to work out the best way to insure the mondeo 'properly' now - the car is worth 350 quotes range from 280 3rd party F&T with 14 yeasr no claims to 580 for the same level but no no-claims ....


insurance on my caddy quotes for this year
MCE                               £386.77p  With a £250 excess (Renewal price)

Adrian flux                       £677.66p Said they could not beat MCE price

AA                                 £2159.58p with a £750 excess WTF

Did try compare the meerkat .com and the cheapest quote was over £800

So I will be staying with MCE me thinks


Quoting: ianjpage
hmm insurance - don't get me started - trying to work out the best way to insure the mondeo 'properly' now - the car is worth 350 quotes range from 280 3rd party F&T with 14 yeasr no claims to 580 for the same level but no no-claims ....

Try the people who sponsor the forum. Can't remember their name, but they do a lot of the owner club sites.

But I am too in the same boat as you, insurance still works out roughly about the cost of the car.


Thing is, its not the value of the car, its the damage it can do to other people and property..

more common cars are usually a slightly higher risk too, as they are owned by joe pleb who is more likely to crash it because they are totally uninterested in driving.


Quoting: minniewinnie
MCE £386.77p With a £250 excess (Renewal price)

Adrian flux £677.66p Said they could not beat MCE price

HA HA HA, Amazing, I am with Adrian Flux, 24 years old, wife on the policy as well, £240 odd for the AstroVan, got the Blazer, rang them and they said 'No change, same price'!



Quoting: Fieldy
HA HA HA, Amazing, I am with Adrian Flux, 24 years old, wife on the policy as well, £240 odd for the AstroVan, got the Blazer, rang them and they said 'No change, same price'!


I think is all depends on the area you live in ( I live in a council estate full of wannabe chavy kids)    

Is that fully comp price as my TPFT was approx £180 But would never have TPFT as its not worth the hassle( still chasing the potsy bus company that wrote off my peugeot last year as I stupidly had that on a TPFT policy so the insurance company basicly said tough shit we dont want to know even though it was not my fault "(For a change lol)" and I supposedly had legal protection on the policy
Live and learning still


Fully Comp for me.... But I have no accidents and nor does the wife


Quoting: Fieldy

Fully Comp for me.... But I have no accidents and nor does the wife

That all helps mate I only got 2 Years NCB as well
I have a SP30 50 in a 40 on a duel carriageway in the middle of nowhere And a accident even though it was not my fault
And Wendy has a SP30 Bloody speed cameras 35 in a 30