My Rockingham Pics

Started by HardRockCamaro, May 08, 2006, 06:17:18 PM

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HardRockCamaro\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> /Rockingham%20Thunder%20Sunday%20May%202006.html

Didn't take as many as I'd have liked as I had to use the memory card on the digicam for filiming movies too as the camcorder decided to play silly b***ers and not turn on  (and yet worked fine when I got home, go figure!)


You seem to have labled Chris's (aka Incursus) Plymouth Duster 'Dart'?!? Although, to be fair, what is the difference...?



Sorry, brain fried at 11pm!
Will correct!


Quoting: Titsy
Although, to be fair, what is the difference...?

Thought not a lot actually