Let the Ho'ing begin !

Started by F Body, August 11, 2006, 12:26:44 PM

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F Body

Yep I'm back
Trouble is I'm packing ready for Bling and then leaving for Cornwall
Haven't spotted any major developments since I've been away ?
Thought there might have been a couple of new motors ??

Sammy Lou

F Body

Quoting: Sammy Lou
you havent missed much

Which is good but sort of bad

Thought RK may have picked up a new daily driver , or Podette with her first yank ?
Getting all the stuff piled up near the front door ready for Billing, will get back from Cornwall late Thursday night and early Friday swop vehicles and leave for Bling

Toga - Toga - Toga


Lol look forward to seeing ya there mate - looking to be a good party