Web site info

Started by Rocky, September 25, 2006, 01:49:49 PM

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Dont know if any of you can help i have a guy doing a website for me at the mo hes nearly finished but now needs my account info for the domain name which is registered to me, Is it ok to give it to him, just worried he will have too much control over the website, Any info would be appreiciated. Cars i can do computer stuff not to hot on


Is he doing it as a business, do you know anyone who's used him? Basically can you trust him?  Also, what's going on the site? Anything sensitive or financial?

You can easily change the passwords once it's all setup for you.


Hes a mate, Im hoping to run the website once he has set it up but its supposed to be going on his mates webspace is that risky can his mate pull it off the web?


Quoting: Rocky

Hes a mate, Im hoping to run the website once he has set it up but its supposed to be going on his mates webspace is that risky can his mate pull it off the web?

Yeha if its on someone elses space then always a chance - for what it costs (i.e. not much!) setup your own hosting package, give him the info then change the pwd once setup!


Can i change it to my hosting if this guy takes it off his, Is the hosting package like what freehosts do £3-4 quid a month or is there a better one?


Quoting: Rocky

Can i change it to my hosting if this guy takes it off his, Is the hosting package like what freehosts do £3-4 quid a month or is there a better one?

Yup you can do if you still got all the files that make up the website and also so long as you own the domain name to re-point it!

Yeah there are loads of them around, i tend to use ukhost4u.com and bladehost.net as they offer good prices for high usage - it depends on how busy you think the site will be....


webmania have been good for me over the last few years


Rocky, I own a web hosting company chap.

Drop me an email and we can transfer it over to one of my servers.
I've got a new top of the line system coming online over the next 2 weeks, you can put it on there and control the domain name and the site yourself.

Offer is there if you need it.
