Opinions wanted - wheels

Started by Jamieg285, December 29, 2005, 11:43:53 PM

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As posted on AACI - all opinions welcome....

Top of my shopping list is a set of big disc brakes. Before I can fit these, I need to increase my wheel size from 15 to 17.

I had always intended to get some decent 17inch alloy wheels, but they are much further down the shopping list, being bling rather than functional upgrades.

Being as the size increase is required for the brakes, I was going to spend this years budget on a nice set of alloys ($1000 for the set). Not exactly what I would want, but well worth the money, and I wouldn't be unhappy with them.

However, today I got thinking, perhaps I should look for the cheapest (steel) wheels I could that would do the job. This set would be only $250 - leaving plenty of budget to go towards the brakes.

I figure that these wheels could be used in the future in the winter, keeping the alloys away from the salt and in tip-top condition. The only downside is that they won't look as good as the new alloys, or IMHO as the ones I currently have.  I also have the voice in the back of my head saying 'go bling'.

What do you think I should go for?


steelies that large would be prone to flex, also would likely look rather odd..

go alloy mate..


I Still say ARE Ansen Slot Mags, Mate.

They're pretty cheap, are painted so don't corrode as easy AND are available in 15" and 17" dia.


Oh, and their 70's styling would obviously suit your car spot on.



Brakes on a yank.........

I don't understand......


they are the things you use BEFORE exiting the petrol station...




Any decisions made yet Jamie ???


Yeah, I did look at the Ansens, and they are cheaper, and do come in 17's.  However, I don't think they are cheap enough to justify 2 sets, especially as they don't go wide enough on the rears, so I would need 2 sets of tyres as well.  

I think I will just stick to the one decent set.
