no matter haw bad things are.. this is from a friend of mine in the US..

Started by philoldsmobile, December 28, 2005, 11:16:48 PM

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Jay (the guy with the burgandy Z28 i posted a few days ago) is something medical in a hospital. here's his christmas day...

---warning-- this is not a very happy tale...

and if you are having a good christmas, stop reading and check this post tomorrow or the day after. If you are having a bad christmas and hate having to deal with your relatives, this might make you realize you don't have it that bad.

I had a flat tire when I walked outside to go to work, but that was just the beginning......

My second patient of the day is a 30 yr old male. His family runs their own construction business. Apparently the family woke up to find him missing. They find a note saying he is at one of the project sites and has a surprise for them. So the whole family gets together and drives over to the project. It is a condo project, so they are calling his name and walking from unit to unit.

Then his dad and brother find him. He had hung himself, but was still alive. They cut him down and called the paramedics. When I saw them, they were still hopeful that he would make it. The docs hadn't told them he was brain dead.

What a way to ruin everyone's christmas. This happened around 6am or so. This was his extended family that saw this, not just his parents and siblings.

Hopefully some good will come of this and the family will donate his organs to someone who can use them.

This was followed by a string of homeless and elderly patients who didn't have any family and were basically lonely on the holiday. You try your best to cheer them up, and keep a smile on your face. Just wears on you after awhile.

I won't even get started on the 8 trauma cases we had christmas eve.......

So take a moment and enjoy the time you are spending with those fueding relatives and make sure you hug them good bye. Then remind them that it was good to spend time with them. You really don't get to see them that often.

hope everyone else had a merry christmas
