Someone's Made an Enemy...

Started by FUBAR, January 23, 2006, 04:06:18 PM

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Went to Lunch earlier & there's a Car (Micra, nothing to worry about!) behind the flats near my office with 4 flat tires & a block of concrete through the windscreen...

Somoene was pissed off!
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


I'd be angry if someone trashed my chavscort but never finished the job . . . . Oh, wait.


probably not an enemy, jujst wrong place wrong time.

just be glad its not yer camaro sitting there..


na trust me, it will be personal, them flats is dodgy, he probably pissed off one of the 'Hos
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


perhaps it was owned by the guy we saw in the carpark...

if his walking was anything to go by that would be parking damage!


Quoting: FUBAR
na trust me, it will be personal, them flats is dodgy

Ya' talkin' likey Gangsta, mon.