McLaren & their Boys.

Started by F Body, August 06, 2007, 08:32:11 AM

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F Body

Seeing as I couldn't get out over the weekend I watched the Grand Prix, all seemed to be fine in Qualifing until Alonso blocked Hamilton in the pit lane so that he got 1st place

Anyway come race day the Marshall's looked at the incident and ruled it unsporting and dropped Alonso 5 places ( which I though was harsh ).
Should have just bumped him into second place and let the drivers race it out

Ferrari must be laughing all the way to the bank, still McLarens Ron Dennis is such a smarmy git\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Flip Martian

Seems like Alonso did that as a retaliation for Hamilton not following team orders earlier in practice when told to let Alonso through. And then when Alonso DID do it, Hamilton thought it was Dennis who'd ordered Alonso to hold him up and gave him an earful over the intercom system thingy they use.

Nice to see he's just as full of himself as most F1 drivers seem to be...

Big Mouse

I thought it was the most thrilling F1 race I've eve .... ZZZZZZZZZZ...ay? what? sorry, must have nodded off, as I was saying, as F1 races go it was right up there with th....ZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Nope, sorry, still can't stay awake long enough to watch one all the way through. Even when Alonso was stopped in the pits the kid still couldn't over take him!!

Apart from Schumacher (I refer to Michael, not his sister Ralf) who was on a different level entirely from the rest, most F1 drivers couldn't drive a stake up a pigs arse.

I want to see drive-by-the-skin-of-your-teeth driving; risk taking; and end to team orders; driver v driver instead of this computer-controlled, you've got a bigger intake/flange/other bit than me crap.

F1 racing was more interesting 20 years ago than it is now. Apart from breakages, most races end up in almost the same order that they started in.


Quoting: Big Mouse
F1 racing was more interesting 20 15 () years ago than it is now. Apart from breakages, most races end up in almost the same order that they started in.


its good to see an english driver leading the pack, but F1 is still unbelievably broing.. i've seen plays that were more interesting, honest to god, PLAYS!!