Driving is greener than Walking !

Started by F Body, August 07, 2007, 05:06:31 AM

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F Body

Walking does more than driving to cause global warming, a leading environmentalist has calculated

Food production is now so energy-intensive that more carbon is emitted providing a person with enough calories to walk to the shops than a car would emit over the same distance

The sums were done by Chris Goodall, campaigning author of How to Live a Low-Carbon Life, based on the greenhouse gases created by intensive beef production.

"Driving a typical UK car for 3 miles [4.8km] adds about 0.9 kg [2lb] of CO2 to the atmosphere," he said, a calculation based on the Government's official fuel emission figures. "If you walked instead, it would use about 180 calories. You'd need about 100g of beef to replace those calories, resulting in 3.6kg of emissions, or four times as much as driving

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/science/article2195538.ece\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/science/article2195538.ece



Oh, bugger.

I'd eat the beef and then drive.


Quoting: Roadkill
Oh, bugger.

I'd eat the beef and then drive.

Makes you wander how they work out stuff like that?


Quoting: Ponti
Makes you wander how they work out stuff like that?

Their scientists, which means they decide on a result then scew the numbers till it matches what they want.

+ : =

Flip Martian

You can make statistics support any argument you want if you analyse hard enough - sounds like that particular scientist disappeared up his own bottom some time ago...


the ultimate in green transport is to drive everywhere, and eat scientists - the ammount of hot air carbon dioxide they emmit is staggering!


No, no, no.
Cows 'emit' lots of greenhouse gases.
So the solution is to kill a cow and drive to work.