One for the Admins

Started by Allanv, August 16, 2007, 07:12:04 AM

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Where is this site hosted and what does it cost?  do they allow php and SQL.

The reason i ask it is the season to move our forums and i am looking for a reliable host.




Quoting: Allanv
Where is this site hosted

Company is called\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">GoDaddy and is a US hoster  

Quoting: Allanv
php and SQL.

Yup cos that how the site & forum work!!

Quoting: Allanv
reliable host.

Had very few issues with them and what issues i did have were down to a server outage (very rare) and they have  a 24/7 support number (OK its american but its still 24/7!) or email address for non urgent things.

We are on the deluxe package i think ->\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


That stuffs that then its in the states......

it cannot be hosted in the states back to the drawing board.


A good cheap UK based host is - although you are limited on storage size to 500MB.



Quoting: Allanv

That stuffs that then its in the states......

Quoting: Allanv

UK is out as well

Hmm how come?


it deals with file sharing, connects to a linux system that authorises access to it.

they both talk to each other every 30 mins on the half hour.. i will leave it in sweden i think.

imagine limewire with a IRC front end ubber safe from prying eyes.

     ::::::: This message will self destuct in 10 secs ::::::::

It also has an affiliation with one of the biggest technical forums / sites in the world so that alone was a major factor in keeping it away from there.


Well moody.

We (I work for / co-own a UK based hosting company) wouldn't touch it with a barge pole.


Well it isnt as bad as you would think, its just us protecting our users from whatever audio or video corporate sue dept that wants to poke around.

its far better than using any other file share system and we can make sure all the files are virus free and we check the file names for any video deemed unsutable.

And dont say you dont download films or episodes, and the hub isnt located on the same server.  or country...

But the reason for the no UK is because of the ridiculous cost.



Quoting: Allanv
And dont say you dont download films or episodes, and the hub isnt located on the same server.  or country...

I can honestly say I don't.
I watch tv on freeview and record episodes via my computer tv tuner card which I then convert to iTunes for watching on the big tv via my AppleTV box.  I buy movies on DVD, normally when I can get them on offer, I am loathe to pay more than £10 for any film and tend ot prefer the 3 for £20 offers.
However I have watched the occasional moody DVD which of course was originally downloaded by *someone* but that's not the norm.

And I certainly don't download moody mp3s.  I buy them from the iTunes store for 79p, but I buy discount iTunes vouvhers for about a third of that so I actually pay about 25per track and I'm happy to do that as I get them in high quality, straight away with no searching or faffing.  I will pay (to a point) for convenience.
When iTunes starts selling movies over here, I will buy them that way over DVDs.

I'm not being superior about it, I honestly do not do pirate stuff.
I used to, when I was in uni, but not nowadays.

But the reason for the no UK is because of the ridiculous cost.

Well that's down to the ridiculous cost of everything here.  Servers cost more to buy here than they do in (for example) the USA, electricity costs more here than in the USA, bandwidth costs more here than in the USA, wages are more here than in the USA and so on.

But anyone decent in the UK should be able to give you a faster, lowr latency service.  Not much of an issue for FTPing or whatever, but important for streaming, VOIP or gaming or any other time sensitive application.

But with what you're doing the legal implications are the real problem for you.


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
But with what you're doing the legal implications are the real problem for you.

It is just a forum

But you did miss a bit though, TAX is higher here and VAT.

we did host it once here but jesus the costs outwayed the benefits.

But that all said please lock this topic its going the wrong way for a simple question.  or delete it.


But HardRockCamaro i am looking for some personal hosting what do you charge nothing fancy no sql stuff?

Something easy to admin and someone on the end of a phone should i need it?


We don't do consumer hosting yet, only business hosting (read higher level of support and thus price, plus the minimum service is one whole server).

We will be doing consumer hosting, will probably start off around £3 per month . £25 per year.
No phone support though, email only.

Just sitting in front of one of the machines setting it up as it happens.

I'd use godaddy if I were you.


fair enough.

I do register a lot of businesses as well and the current host keeps suffering from downtime so will keep you in mind if thats ok should i decide to move them.


If you do a lot of registrations for other people/businesses and offer them email accounts and webspace you'd be best off with one of our reseller accounts.  (where we give you a big chunk of space for you to divvy up between your customers however you choose).
You get a complete online accounting system to bill them and keep track of them and contact them on mass.  Plus your own online web store for them and others to buy from.  The only work you'd need to do would be to provide them with whatever tech support you choose and process their payments and apply them to their accounts.
Easy life.

Won't be a lot of money either, still way less than your own dedicated server which would have been the old way of doing it.  (and a lot more work).

I'll be doing discounts for MKB peeps when the day comes.


Sounds like what i need i will have a chat with my clients