Good Luck Dad !

Started by Senior F Body Kid, August 02, 2007, 02:36:57 PM

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F Body

Quoting: Podette
at least you've managed to reach the pc

I've got the PC on the Kitchen floor next to my blanket

Dying of bleeding boredom and it takes my mind off the pain

Flip Martian

I was told to start walking after a few hours to lessen the swelling after my op (where they did the same thing) - but then that was about 12 years ago. I had the dressings on for about 3 weeks (the itching got so bad I was ramming spoon handles down there!). I was walking with a crutch, then a stick for a few weeks afterwards.

Mind you, it wasn't keyhole with me, so having THAT probably cuts down recovery time a fair bit.

What you need is plenty of dvds for when you get sick of the internet... And I hope you don't get the itching inside the dressing - drives you bloody mad.


Quoting: Flip Martian
And I hope you don't get the itching inside the dressing - drives you bloody mad.

ugh, dont remind me..

when i destroyed my right ankle and leg when i was 16, i was in plaster for nearly 9 weeks..

truly horrible.

took 6 months to be able to walk anything like properly, but it was quite a dramatic injury.. even now (13 years later) its only got about 80% mobility

F Body

Quoting: Flip Martian
I was told to start walking after a few hours

I've been doing the exercises as best I can but I can only just hobble to the toilet
The knee is OK it's my left calf musle which just seems to go into spasm
all the time.

Flip Martian

My walking was very limited for ages - hobbling to the loo sounds about right. I think it was a good week or so before I ventured outside even for a few steps. And that was leaning heavily on the crutch.

May be some connection somewhere between your knee ligaments and the calf muscles - if 1 has been over compensating for the other over the last few months to get you to walk normally, you might have (short term) probs now while your knee gets stronger.

If 1 muscle isn't being exercised properly (for whatever reason) another nearby will take the strain instead and . I seem to get told this a lot at pilates classes...everything's connected (or so the theory goes). Anyway, that might be the cause of your calf probs - next time you see the doc or the physio you should tell 'em and see what they think it is.

F Body

Quoting: Flip Martian
next time you see the doc or the physio you should tell 'em and see what they think it is.

Thanks 11:25am today, if nothing else because I've run out of the strong painkillers and Nurofen etc don't even touch it !

F Body

Quoting: F Body
Thanks 11:25am today

Going back into hospital because they think I might have a DVT
Be good Peep's !


Hmm, Good kuck, mate . . .

Senior F Body Kid

I Only Hope Your Alright Dad ...

Good Luck !

Love You Loads

..Rosa ____<3

Flip Martian

Sheesh! Better safe than sorry - Good luck with that - hope they get you sorted soon.

Senior F Body Kid

Dads home again after having an injection into his stomach, he has to go back for another four injections, one each day.
It took so long today to get the blood test results they today they are doing the scan tomorrow and still haven't sorted the pain.


ahh bugger, sorry to hear you are having probs mate...hope all gets sorted!!

F Body

Been up to the Hospital again today and had another tummy injection, tomorrow I'm going to be taught how to inject myself for the next week
They can't do the scan until next Wednesday so I continue on the injections until then and then we'll take it from there.
So don't go thinking your gonna get rid of me that easily
I'm on the "super" painkillers now so hopeful I can at least lose some of the pain, just read the leaflet " May cause Breathing difficulties, uncontrolled limb movement , hallucinations and blurred vision " seems like just another day in the Office


Quoting: F Body
May cause Breathing difficulties, uncontrolled limb movement , hallucinations and blurred vision

Sound like BEER to me      

art b

get back on ya pins soon martine,
you do seem to have had a bit of a rough time with it....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

F Body

Quoting: F Body
They can't do the scan until next Wednesday

Told me on Friday that the scan would now be on Thursday or Friday this week

At the hospital this morning they asked if I could come back for a scan at 13:50pm today

So this could be good news or not quite so good news

F Body

Quoting: F Body
come back for a scan at 13:50pm today

Had the scan but there the good news ended, I do have a DVT ( Deep Vein Thrombosis ) in my left leg
So I been started on anticoagulant tablets ( basically stops the blood clotting ) for the next three months and will continue on the stomach injections for the next week.

Begining to wonder if it was worth spending the last 15 years keeping fit

On the plus side more posting time

art b

bloody hell ur in the wars
on the plus side,just think of the time and money ya will save,
not spendin all day in the gym
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


aqhh bugger, sorry to hear that mate....lets hope you get up and mobile (as much as poss) soon!!!


Take care of yourself mate and get yourself right.......

All the best.

Flip Martian

Bad news but at least they've managed to spot it quick. GWS!


Quoting: F Body
Begining to wonder if it was worth spending the last 15 years keeping fit

My old man has similar issues . . . When he was my age he rode 100's of miles a month, played rugby and football.  When he was younger he ran alot, too.

When he was in his 50's he was told he's got two knackered hips and his knees are long passed it, too.
The Doctor told him he "shouldn't've been so active".

He's 67, now and still struggling as he can't take the time off to get them sorted because my Mum's disabled !

He takes more pain-killers just to get out of bed in the morning then I do for a bad headache !!

I steer well clear of cardio exercise.  The human body isn't designed for that kind of punishment long-term.

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
The human body isn't designed for that kind of punishment long-term.

Begining to wonder what my body was designed for

I begining to feel like a pin cushion, two blood tests again this morning and this one I did myself ( DO NOT CLICK on this picture if your squeemish or don't like needles )\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> [img]\" border=\"0\"  alt=\"\" width=150>