I'm going back to work !

Started by F Body, September 05, 2007, 01:14:33 PM

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F Body

I've been off nearly six weeks ( three of which were Holiday ) , had a meeting with Big Boss yesterday who strongly suggested that I return to work whilst there is still a job for me to return to
Told them I won't be walking anywhere and will be going for blood tests every Friday and was told that they'll sort it all out once I'm back
The longest I've ever been sick was two weeks when I had a burst ear drum and it was before I even worked at GM
Back to work in the Morning


Quoting: F Body
Back to work in the Morning

About time you lazy sod !

Just kidding . . . .

Quoting: F Body
Big Boss strongly suggested that I return to work whilst there is still a job for me to return to

That's harsh.  


Quoting: Roadkill
That's harsh.

More than that, it's totally illegal... He's threatened to sack you because your sick, that's a disgrace, and if he tried it then you could take them to the cleaners with unfair dismissal...

F Body

Quoting: Titsy
More than that, it's totally illegal... He's threatened to sack you because your sick, that's a disgrace, and if he tried it then you could take them to the cleaners with unfair dismissal...

Yeah but all they do is make you redundant and employ someone else doing the same job for less money but with a different title


Ahh well have as much fun as you can do then!!


Quoting: F Body
Yeah but all they do is make you redundant and employ someone else doing the same job for less money but with a different title

also illegal...


AFAIK that is not illegal  -  its only illegal if they have the same job title & exact same functions as you!!

F Body


F Body

Quoting: ianjpage
have "fun"

So far not many people have noticed that I'm back
Did manage to turn down a trip to Germany next week ( sorry can't fly with a DVT )
Only had 523 e-mails ( delete -delete - delete )

First big meeting at 13:00pm deep joy !


ahh sounds like  normal day then lol


No one droped a car on themselves whilst you were off then

F Body

Quoting: 55starchief
No one droped a car on themselves whilst you were off then

Who knows ??

Judging from the piles of paper on my desk no one has even been opening the mail

F Body

Wasn't a bad day really but my legs are killing me, you don't realise just how much gettting up & down/walking you do even in an office.

Printer / fax / file cabinets / phones etc

Was hoping to get the inside of the Maro cleaned tonight but that'll have to wait.