London unveils 2012 stadium plan.

Started by F Body, November 07, 2007, 02:40:46 PM

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F Body

A sunken Dome

A snip at £496m

haven't we been here before



Sunken Dome, just like the new McDons stadium here then, thats 1/2 below ground level.
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


cant we just dig a hole and put the millenium dome in it ?

art b

496k that will double, or tripple...
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Just typical.  Half the stadium for twice the price......And then when it's finished, they're gonna take two thirds of it back down again.  They are calling it innovative.  Sounds almost like extortion to me.


A total waste of money, why does this country insist on trying to be a Big Shot on the world scene when we arnt. Long gone are the days when we ruled the world. Thjat money could have been used in so many better ways like a drop in duty on fuel


Quoting: F Body
A snip at £496m

Ah, like Wembley . . . probably 10 times that in the end, then.