Gritting the roads.

Started by F Body, November 25, 2007, 05:02:47 AM

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F Body

Well it really should be called salting the roads in the UK
Last night we got caught up behind a gritter on the M1, it was in the middle lane doing about 35mph.
We were caught up in the outside lane queue and eventually got past it at about 55mph.
It was like a salt fog coming up behind it and the Panda got blasted as we went past, opened the bonnet this morning and the engine bay was full of salt
All in the top of the suspension struts, the battery box was full and about an inch deep at the bulkhead, it took me ten minutes with the compressor to blow it all out
Checked the air filter and that was OK because the clever Eyetie's have two drain holes in bottom of the filter box
Why we still have to use rock salt which wrecks your ride and the road surface is beyond me, many other countries have been using better non corrosive chemical products, with little cost penalty for years

Was going to get the Camaro out today but with that amount of salt on the road, I don't think I'll bother


Quoting: F Body
Well it really should be called salting the roads in the UK

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! in bedford they are using a new type of road treatment thats based on sugar beet, its virtualy non corrosive, longer lasting and sticks to the road more, so doesn't end up on yer car.. its less than 30% salt!


must admit, ain't seen one in swindon so far this year....


Got blasted as i was going over to the city friday night, not sure what they were spreading as i past it pretty quick


i'm never sure how best to pass gritters - do i ease gently past, and subject the car to a longer but lighter blast, or just blat past giving it a quicker harder hit?


Quoting: philoldsmobile

i'm never sure how best to pass gritters - do i ease gently past, and subject the car to a longer but lighter blast, or just blat past giving it a quicker harder hit?

LOL i never even think im usually going to fast to slow down anyways


i'm slowly but surely picking up stone chips, i reckon i've got 4 or 5 now