Some Test drive.

Started by F Body, December 27, 2007, 06:20:25 AM

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F Body

A 19 year old Guy took out a VY HSV Clubsport out for a test drive from Bundoora Holden in Victoria. On the drive back to the dealer he gave a little too much gas around the last corner before the Dealership, lost control of the car, mounted the curb and flew 10 metres over the gate into the Front Yard of the dealership!


 well at least he parked it back on the forecourt


and at least he squashed that bmw...


Its amazing how stories get twisted, here is what actually happened

Quick email to my cousin and she emailed me back

Ok he wasnt 19 he was 23 (and its HIS car not a test drive) he has had the car approx 5-6 months it was insured in his Mums name. He was being followed by an off duty copper in a SS and was doing approx 160 down Grimshaw Street...and lost is when a car in front went to make a turn..forcing him into the kerb and up onto the grass (this in turn as it is sloped) acted as a ramp...he then used the BMW as a trampoline and took out BMW, Vectra, Commodore and a Ford well as serious damage to the Clubby. TMU arrived on the scene within a couple of minutes and he was taken away 15 minutes after the accident, they are going to throw the book at him...apparently he had been followed for a while and there are approx 5 witnesses also claiming to see him driving like a tool..... speeding heaps and weaving in and out of traffic....if would like to clarifiy the details please call WATSON Holden Bundoora on 9467 4677 and speak to the boys in service who are more than happy to discuss the matter...

By the way 160 is KMH not MPH and the limit in aussie is a ot less than over here

art b

i like the 1st story best.......

not strange, how these things get developed somewhat
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


2nd story makes much more sense, after all, what dealer anywhere would let a 19yr old testdrive a car like that?

yeah, i reckon the second story sounds much more likely..


Quoting: philoldsmobile
what dealer anywhere would let a 19yr old testdrive a car like that?

especially when its against the law for a kid of 19 to drive a car of that power in australia

F Body


art b

Quoting: F Body
Well "I" didn't make it up

its got your name all over it....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon: