take the car if you want it ....pmsl

Started by art b, May 12, 2008, 07:51:53 AM

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art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Fair play to him, heard it on the radio this morning


A spokesman for clamping firm NCP Services, which was operating on behalf of the DVLA, condemned Ian's actions as "dangerous and highly irresponsible".

Yeah.  They would say that.



Thats like the guy that let the air out and rotated the wheel removing 1 bolt at a time and then put the spare on and drove away. Because he hadn't actually tampered with the clamp there was nothing the clamping company could do


A spokesman for clamping firm NCP Services, which was operating on behalf of the DVLA, condemned Ian's actions as "dangerous and highly irresponsible".

fukem !!!!!



Quoting: The Sun
Five police cars containing ten officers raced to the scene along with a six-man fire crew.

It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...