ever felt pain...

Started by art b, May 18, 2008, 03:16:39 PM

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art b

well this fella has,
spanish GP rider jourge lorenzo, fractures both ankles in practice yesterday, cannot walk with out crutches,

today he gets on his 240hp bike and passes 4 other riders towards the end of  a 28 lap race to finish second.....

hobbles to the podium on crutches, hes got some b@lls
this is on top of various injurys hes sustained in the last month

http://www.youtube.com/v/eResxp7jALs\">http://www.youtube.com/v/eResxp7jALs\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">
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Video's no longer available.

art b

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art b

anyone else see it  now.....  
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F Body

Quoting: art b
anyone else see it now...

Nope but the second link works

There is talk of removing gravel traps for bike racing, as your body hits the gravel at high speed, your limbs dig in and snap

art b

they have removed it for some car racing,
which is fine for a 4 wheeled car to slow down on tarmac, but surely a biker would travel 4 miles on it
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