Wheel nuts for the 'maro

Started by CJ-IROCZ, May 20, 2008, 02:39:32 PM

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The locking nuts and tool for undoing them is shafted so anyone know where you can get a replacement kit ?? the car is a '87 camaro. I've tried Modernday and ebay but no joy

I would prefer to buy a whole replacement wheel nut kit including the locking type but i cant find anything


http://www.mistertee.co.uk/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://www.mistertee.co.uk/

should be able to sort you out.


Thanks Nick

I know that the standard wheel nuts are 12mm x 1.5 pitch but i'm not sure what style they are. Anyone know ???

I might have to send one off to him to match up.


Quoting: CJ-IROCZ
what style

Style ? - You mean like acorn (rounded bottom) ?

That's what I'm guessing they are for your rims.


Thanks Dean, I'm going to take one off today but i think your right about it being the Acorn type