Who's going to Billing Sunday ?

Started by F Body, May 31, 2008, 04:26:50 PM

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F Body


Thinking of popping up mid morning


Am planning to go before coming back for the meet


F Body

Quoting: Rob

A45 is closed

Ah right, can't decide it if it's better to follow the diversions or take the longer cross country route through Bedford


We went today

£35 in petrol, £10 gate money, £10 for 2 jacket spuds and a drink and we left two hours later!

I couldnt believe the state of the place, the field was fecked, absolutely water logged. We couldnt get on the main field as it was shut due to the mud and water so ended up parked on the verge over the back.

What a waste of time and money. It's going to have to dry out a lot for the Summer Nats to be any good

art b

ya dont see much good press about the place.....
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: Motorama
We went today

£35 in petrol, £10 gate money, £10 for 2 jacket spuds and a drink and we left two hours later!

I couldnt believe the state of the place, the field was fecked, absolutely water logged. We couldnt get on the main field as it was shut due to the mud and water so ended up parked on the verge over the back.

What a waste of time and money. It's going to have to dry out a lot for the Summer Nats to be any good

Crap that really aint good then


Quoting: Motorama
What a waste of time and money

Kinda sums up trips to Billing, just lately.


The owners just seem to be bleeding it dry, charging for everything and putting nothing back into the facilities or grounds as far as i can see.


Quoting: Motorama
The owners just seem to be bleeding it dry, charging for everything and putting nothing back into the facilities

that's so sad, we've had some great times at Billing, but now it's just too expensive to go, such a shame.


Quoting: Podette
that's so sad, we've had some great times at Billing, but now it's just too expensive to go, such a shame

Its so local to us as well which makes it twice the shame.
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

Flip Martian

What a bummer - glad I hadn't realised anything was going on - would've popped over there. Spent most of the day at the Autumn Nats last year. Pics make it look pretty bad - hopefully it'll dry out before the Summer Nats.


TBH i have little sympathy with billing shows, sh*t on those who got you where you are and you deserve to tumble from grace...

Flip Martian

I don't have any sympathy - I would just like it to be ok as its less than 30 mins from me...


Glad I decided to stay in bed for this one....

art b

speaking to people who went and reading other forums,
looks like the scum/chav/pikey elements  are still running rings around billing security  [joke]
billing really dont care who they let in at events
the locals scum know that,and theres little chance of being
its only ever got worse over the years,
billing really is in the wrong place, and showgrounds open to anyone is asking for trouble,
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon: