mustang progress...

Started by philoldsmobile, April 10, 2008, 08:01:38 AM

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i'm considering asking days MK (the alfa garage) if he could do it instead..

he's bloody good


did you call "Rapid GB" yet


get it back mate itll end in disaster otherwise


thats what i'm thinking. i'm going to contact citizens advice first, because there is a high possibility of knackerd brakes, tyres and battery due to the ammount of time its stood (may be lucky though) if this is the case i want to be able to claim against the guy for new consumables as is appropriate. i need to be sure removing the vehicle from site wont compromise that.

august is the 6th month the car has been in their possession.


Thats terrible but I'm always suprised the amount I hear of this sort of thing happening.

I've had a few friends who have been in this sort of situation and neither has ended very well. One who had a Rover with a head gasket gone got his car back 8 months after dropping it off and it ran like a bag of shit when he finally recieved it.

Ended up scrapped it and he was badly out of pocket. Every cloud has a silver lining though , one less Rover on the road
