Fiat 500 v Audi Q7.

Started by F Body, July 28, 2008, 07:47:47 AM

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F Body

There is only one winner\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">

NB : I'm amazed how close people were allowed to stand


There needs to be more education around these NCAP ratings.

People think that a small 5 star rated car will stand up better in an accident than a large 3 star car.  It doesn't work that way.  The ratings are only comparable within the vehicle class.

And on top of that, stupid things like "seatbelt not fastened" bongers increase the rating.

Bottom line:  Big car wins against small car.  You can't argue with physics.


you'll find that the NCAP rating is also based on the drivers foot being flat on the gas pedal, when (usually) you're more likely to have the brake pedal pinned to the floor.  This makes the ratings more favourable as if your foot's on the gas the steering colomn doesn't tend to knock your knee in half.


Learn something new every day Edge...  Thats just cheating that is...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

art b

a lot of lies and stats in the car selling world,
hands up who wants to be in the fiat in a smash
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: FUBAR
Learn something new every day Edge... Thats just cheating that is...

cheating indeed.......

still, people seem to be buying cars based on safety ratings, even though they are all shite...

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
Bottom line: Big car wins against small car. You can't argue with physics.

Oh yes you can, but I can't find the video of an F150 & a new Mini crashing\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">


I have seen the video you mention, but, it's a video of how the Mini compares, hitting the offset barrier, and how the F150 compares, also hitting the offset concrete barrier.

The crumple zones in the Mini do their job when hitting the barrier, whereas the body on chassis truck doesn't have crumple zones and just crumples wherever it's weakest (which tends to be halfway along, roughly below the back of the cab.
Add to that the fact that the truck is carrying more energy due to it weighing a *lot* more, in fact it's probably got twice as much kinetic energy to get rid of so the forces involved are far greater.  In fact, if the truck is doing 40 and weighs 2.5 tones, isn't that the same as a 1.25 ton Mini hitting the wall at 80?  Force wise?
In the event of hitting a solid immovable object, the best designed crumple zones win (and even then, the bigger the crumple zone the better).

Try running the Mini into the Truck, offset...

The trucks chassis won't be hitting solid concrete wall, theyll be going through soft mini.  The minis crumple zones will do their job but the force of the truck may well go beyond that and cause the passenger cell to collapse.

When car hits car, you want to be in the bigger, stronger one...

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
I have seen the video you mention, but, it's a video of how the Mini compares, hitting the offset barrier, and how the F150 compares, also hitting the offset concrete barrier.

Could well be