London Meet this Saturday....

Started by EDGE, August 07, 2008, 11:33:32 AM

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anyone coming down?

usual place, Navigation Inn at 12...

anyone about ?




No money plus got friends round for the day.


looks like the pink power ranger is coming down....



Quoting: EDGE
looks like the pink power ranger is coming down....

rokin da pastawagon


I'll bring a tow rope.

Just in case you understand...


yeah, best to be on the safe side, edge is coming in a ford after all.....



uh..uhh.....pasta bella Chianti?

F Body

Good meet today we had a really good laugh

Oh and some American cars were there :

Edge's Sisters new motor :

PhilO's very clean Alfa :

Close up of the new spoiler

Because the weather was so nice again I went on the Beatch :

Glad I did coz the M1 & M25 we like car parks coming & going, filtering for the win


we were only about 30 - 45 mins after you (having been to kk en route back) and both the M25 and M1 were really clear..

traffic can be fikkle!


Not bad guys, weather held out for you too

F Body

Quoting: Fieldy
Not bad guys, weather held out for you too

Well my waterproofs are still drying


Quoting: F Body
Because the weather was so nice again I went on the Beatch :

Glad I did coz the M1 & M25 we like car parks coming & going, filtering for the win

Any excuse to leave the 'maro in the garage.... Drive her FFS, it's what she was built for...


Quoting: Fieldy
Not bad guys, weather held out for you too

yup... climate control on, ipod playing, settled back in the hand stitched momo leather seats, and cruised home at a comfortable 80 ish with Guseppe Busso's sublime V6 engine gently producing a veritable cylinder symphony, each combustion stroke combining like individual parts of an acapella piece, the collective tuneful whole so much more than the sum of its parts, finely honed and simply delectable. combined with the subtle delicatley styled interior, there is no such thing as a bad journey*.......

oh yeah, lifes good....

* unless you are stuck in 10mph traffic on the way there with a tall first gear and an absolute f**ker of a heavy clutch to keep your left leg busy!!!!!!!!

F Body

Quoting: Titsy
Drive her FFS, it's what she was built for..

Hence the reason I used the Beatch which has been locked away in a warehouse for 5 weeks

The Camaro was last driven 10 days ago and the Honda 2 days ago, so it was the Beatch's turn


I will make this one day again


Dude, they friggin built terminal 5 since i last saw you!  



It's true, but with my new job, I have better hours


Don't misunderstand, it wasn't a complaint...


ohhh Mr Roberts, thats harsh!!!

art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon: