The bar for local meets has been raised...

Started by HardRockCamaro, August 21, 2008, 08:33:38 PM

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HardRockCamaro\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">

F Body

" We are sorry this video is no longer available "


Wow - That was great

Loads of very cool cars

I'd love to go to something like that


thats the one i went to in CA while i was there, was the best meet ever.... its every month too..... there was a real mix of cars, it was easily better than ANY car SHOW Ive ever been too

I'll definitely be going when I'm over there next...


I thought that was the one but I wasn't sure if it was in Irvine or what...


yeh, it was in irvine, just round the corner from the Saleen store (which has since closed).  I think its just near the Spectrum shopping centre, it really was packed by 7am, people start ariving at 6 apparently, there were 100s of cars

F Body

Quoting: F Body
" We are sorry this video is no longer available "

May be the filter at work ? But I'm still getting the same message


Quoting: EDGE
Saleen store (which has since closed)

Maybe because you haven't bought any spare parts for a while



HOW many Ariel atoms? and a Bristol fighter..

the pro street nash metropolitan (3 mins 31) looks soooo dangerous!


The Shelby at 5:43 and the 1st gen at 6:40 were nice.


Definitely a lot of cars but i think i would get bored looking at lots of the same make/model exotics.

I think i'd prefer the Donut Derelicts meet.\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


Theres one at Huntington beach mostly yanks every saturday morning.Doesnt last as long though, although they do have a meet every month that lasts the weekend.They close the roads and have a party.


It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...