Roadkill's Movie Reviews . . . Space Chimps, The Mummy 3, Stargate . . . .

Started by Roadkill, August 13, 2008, 03:56:53 AM

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O.K - Kicking off with :

"Space Chimps" : Utter crap.  I won't mess about, here - it's rubbish.  I know it's a kiddies film but DO NOT think it's gonna be like 'Nemo or Wall-E and actually be funny.  It's not.  AVOID

It gets a 3/10 from me No scrap that - 2/10.

Next is "The Mummy 3 . . . " : W-T-F - No Rachel Weiss ? - Take note I researched why she quit BEFORE watching the movie - seems she thought the script was so bad she bailed.  She wasn't wrong.  The story was O.K, but the script was poor . . the acting bad (despite having some big names, there) and finally the casting was a joke !  By this I mean the "son" was played by an actor only 10 years younger than the parents !!!  D'oh.  When standing together they looked like brothers and sister - Not parents and child.  That, along with everything else (including Yeti's) just made it suck.  Even if you're a Mummy fan - wait 'til DVD - then wait a few weeks longer and pick it up in the bargain bin . . .

It gets a generous 4.5/10.

Next up : "Stargate : Continuum".  Pretty good . . obviously nothing more than a extra long regular episode with a bigger budget.  It kept me watching.  I liked it.  The main problem (and the only reason it doesn't get an "8" from me is that it's (yet) another one of those "go back in time, mess with the past/future" storylines.  Yawn !  Come on ! Think of something new PLEASE !

Therefore - It gets a 6.5/10.


F Body

Thanks RK, must find time to watch a film some time, of may be a bit of TV
