September car sale figures ( it's not pretty ).

Started by F Body, October 02, 2008, 02:00:32 AM

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F Body

GM fared above average at only -15.8%
BMW Group    -25.8%

Chrysler LLC    -32.8%

FoMoCo    -34.6%

General Motors    -15.8%

Honda America    -24%
Nissan NA    -36.8%    

Toyota Mo Co    -32.3%\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">




Quoting: F Body
September car sale figures ( it's not pretty ).



US-only sales figures?

Although it's not universally true, overall, the makers of the smaller, cheaper, more fuel efficient cars fared better than most.

Cadillac sales down 39%.  Ouch!
Hummer down over 50%, Jeep down over 40%.

Saturn and Chevrolet didn't fare as bad though.

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
US-only sales figures?

Here's an update on the UK car industry :

Carmaker plants go on three-day week - 2nd October 2008

Motor manufacturers are bringing in three and four-day weeks, due to reduced production levels.

The measures, affecting 16,000 workers across the UK, are due to carmakers? troubles amid the current financial crisis, reported The Daily Telegraph.

Ford are the latest company to announce cutbacks, with its Southampton plant to go on to a four-day week.

Bentley has switched to a three-day week, at its plant in Crewe, cutting production by 15%.

Jaguar has gone a step further, announcing a week?s shutdown at its factory at Halewood, Merseyside, this month.

It also plans several days without production at its other plants in Castle Bromwich, Birmingham.

The industry's difficulties come as production has risen, while demand has slumped.

Generally the world economic downturn barometer starts with :

1/  Housing/mortgages.

2 / Vehicle sales.

3 / Retail sales.

4 / General job losses.

5 / Even people with money not spending it in case they don't have the money.

6 / Etc - Etc.


Quoting: F Body
Bentley has switched to a three-day week, at its plant in Crewe, cutting production by 15%

3 day week instead of a 5 day week... 40% time reduction...

Production decrease - 15%...

that means that for 25% of any normal week the workers are just bumming about doing feck all...

It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

F Body

Quoting: FUBAR
3 day week instead of a 5 day week... 40% time reduction...

Let me explain Grasshopper :

Most car plants run 3 shifts 24 hours a day, this is the most efficient way to run the plant.

i.e. Least cost and most product.

As the recession bites they need to reduce volume, this is initially done two ways, firstly by reducing shift volume and then by reducing the numbers of days worked.

The last resort is to remove one or two of the shifts, there are several reasons for this :

1 / Redundancy / Lay off costs.

2 / If the market picks up you can't then meet demand.

3 / Your workers may have found other jobs, so you'd need to hire & train new staff.

4 / Your Suppliers can generally cope with reduced demand for their parts, but cutting it by a third could send them out of business and then your completely stuffed. You may also have contracts set up to purchase so many parts each month/week.


Quoting: F Body
Let me explain Grasshopper :

that post made me laugh...

Quoting: F Body
3 / Retail sales.

im ok (theoretically) so long as people are still flying abroad, only advantage i have is i work in the British Airways terminal where it is mainly business

i hope