North London Meet tomorrow !

Started by EDGE, October 10, 2008, 05:18:52 AM

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I may as well drop in as i'm driving Chris to Stansted in the morining...


sweet, phillip said he was goming too, and andy...

any more takers ?


Quoting: EDGE
phillip said he was goming too

Lets hope he gets the bike sorted then!!!


No-go for me . . . very limited time left to get the garage done so that takes priority over everything !

(My Caddy's currently sitting out in the elements, homeless)



phill says hes coming one way or another

F Body

Well ????

There was me looking out of the window at work and wishing I was in the nice sunshine


we had a smurf, f*ck-us, poontang, cadfyshlap, and pasta wagon. a small but perfectly formed meet, followed by myself and hardrock pimping around lakeside... went in the apple store...i'm now a little poorer!!


Quoting: philoldsmobile
went in the apple store...i'm now a little poorer!!

how much did you spend?

i'd have got it tax free for you

F Body

Quoting: philoldsmobile
went in the apple store...i'm now a little    LOT poorer!!


Quoting: Fieldy
how much did you spend?

£109 - new i prod nano...

tax free is nice ,but the apple store just feels soooooo good. plus you get the tarty little apple bags!