Make a bit of dosh from your old CDs

Started by Flip Martian, September 21, 2008, 05:23:26 AM

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Flip Martian

Found a site called\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> yesterday which will buy your old CDs.

Type in the bar code, and you get a price they'll pay for it (minimum of 5). Fill in your details and they'll send you appropriate freepost packaging to send it in. They check each cd is complete and then send you the dosh. Not going to earn megabucks but if you have stuff that's no good for ebay or amazon and only good for the charity shop, it might be worth giving a go.

Not every bar code came up when I tried it but still managed to flog 21 CDs for a quoted price of 32 quid something - stuff that I wouldn't be able to sell elsewhere.

Worth a pop anyway.



Quoting: Flip Martian
Found a site called\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\"> yesterday which will buy your old CDs.

I saw this yesterday too.

Typed some of mine in randomly and most of them came up £0.88 each

Swizzling ba****ds!!!!

Flip Martian

a couple of mine were over 3 quid each - the lowest was 49p I think - but that was a South Park album...

I wouldn't use them if I thought they were worth anything but the ones I'm selling really aren't worth putting on ebay or anything so money for nowt.


hmm...i have 100s of cds that could go.. but typing all the bacodes in looks like a right ball ache.. cant it hook up to the webcam on the imac like the library software

Flip Martian

I guess not... Even more of a ball ache when a couple of the codes don't show up in their database...

And typing the codes is easier than typing in the artist and album names...


I've got about 300 that are kinda obsolete, now . . . .

Flip Martian

...and today the cheque arrived! All fine and dandy. I got an email last week saying they'd received the CDs and were happy with the condition of each - today the cheque arrived for the full amount.

Good company, would deffo use again if I had crap CDs to get rid of that no-one else would want!
