Oil Down to $76 a Barrel

Started by Titsy, October 13, 2008, 03:08:35 PM

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Filled the Caddy at Asda for 99.9
£60.  Happy days, that's almost back to what I as paying when I first bought her 3 years ago!

Of course, the falling price is largely down to falling demand due to recession which makes it somewhat bittersweet...



Shell garage i drive past in the morning was displaying £97.9 for petrol this morning.

Hope it keeps heading this way. DOWN.


sweet thats the kinda price we like !!!!

Yeah indeed mate - the more it drops the better it is...


Yep, Shell and BP at 97.9p and 98.9p, respectively.

Will we see 94.9p ?


Its typical that this happens just about the time that i'm looking to put the IROC to bed for the winter
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...