Bye bye Duster.

Started by Incursus, October 29, 2008, 07:42:40 AM

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Well she's gone.  

A lot of time, money and good memories just went rolling down the street on a flatbed.


shame to see her go, but least you (a) got good money and (b) it will hopefully be back on the road!!


Quoting: Incursus
A lot of DEAN'S time just went rolling down the street on a flatbed.

I actually feel relieved, to be honest.

Kind of a weight off my mind.

Count your money and enjoy, Chris . . . there's a silver lining to every cloud.


Gonna have to buy myself something pretty....and a bottle of wine

....and a steak for Dean

F Body

Quoting: Incursus
Gonna have to buy myself something pretty....

This has two meanings both of which seem wrong to me

1/ I'm going to do some cross dressing ?

2 / I'm going to purchase the services of a lady ??


Quoting: Incursus
....and a steak for Dean

I'll except the cash alternative at this point in time !


Quoting: F Body
Quoting: Incursus
Gonna have to buy myself something pretty....

This has two meanings both of which seem wrong to me  

1/ I'm going to do some cross dressing ?

2 / I'm going to purchase the services of a lady ??

Probably a new monitor as mine keeps craping out on me....though the services of a lady is rather tempting