Dam cold this morning !

Started by F Body, December 30, 2008, 04:47:04 AM

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F Body

-3.8 this morning when I cycled to the gym

Still since I've had two heaters on in the office this morning the temperature has now also doubled

http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c294/fbody007/Work/DSCF2253.jpg?t=1230630130\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


Quoting: F Body
-3.8 this morning

Quoting: F Body
the temperature has now also doubled

So it's now -7.6*C ?

Flip Martian

Quoting: Roadkill
So it's now -7.6*C ?

Nope, that's if the temperature would've HALVED! ( I knew my maths CSE would come in handy 1 day... )

Quoting: F Body
NB : Did I mention I don't do cold

once or twice I think...


I hope that heater is PAT tested........

been Fing cold in MK as well the last two days....

Been working outside sorting BT's cable system......


it was a balmy -2 when I finally dragged myself away from my electric blanket and headed for the Gym 09:30 ish


Cycling to work is fun at the moment...
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...