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Started by art b, December 19, 2008, 10:40:33 AM

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art b

This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:

Flip Martian

"But Labour's transport spokesperson on the London Assembly, Val Shawcross, said:
"I have yet to hear one convincing argument for why London needs a new double-decker bus and until Boris comes up with some, Londoners will see this as little more than a vanity project.""

How about to replace those stupid bendy buses Livingstone introduced?! How to sort out congestion in London - introduce buses which TAKE UP TWICE THE ROOM! Arseholes...

Still, that Aston Martin one looks like it belongs in tellytubby land or something. Weird...

Big Mouse

Dear Ms Shawcross

In light of your staggering lack of vision (something that seems particularly prevalent in labour policies over the last 10 years) please allow me to enlighten you with just a couple of reasons why a double decker bus would be a good move for London.

highly-manoeuvrable - less of a burden when reducing congestion and half the length of Red Kens bendy dildo bus

zero-emissions - this would also be a good thing right?

solar panels built into a glass roof - isn't this free power once the initial cost of production has been covered?

full accessibility - this would no doubt refer to differently abled people being able to get on and off the buses; a conflict that new labour would have to deal with with their Victorian 'hide them away from sight' policy

warm lighting - there is evidence to suggest warm lighting has a beneficial effect on people rather than harsh tungsten or florescent lighting

wooden floors - no doubt from a sustainable source and better than that cheap plastic crap in the bendy buses that will still be lying around in the ground in a million years time

Admit it , you're just still hacked off that Boris won!


Quoting: Big Mouse
Admit it , you're just still hacked off that Boris won!

Nail on the head, there.

Let's hope the Government hurry up and commit political suicide soon so we can get on with sorting out all their F*ck ups !

Flip Martian

...only to be replaced by a completely different set up of fuckups. Welcome to British politics...

Big Mouse

Even the most dyed in the wall labout voter has to admit that they really have excelled themselves over the last two terms - even ther cock ups from the mid 70's pale into insignificance compared to what they've done recently; even the tories look like a good bet at the moment