TV Licence - £126.50 pa - F@#kers !!

Started by Roadkill, March 01, 2006, 02:01:05 PM

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I Don't even watch BBC !!!

It's a nasty bloody con.

Worse even then car tax, in my opinion.

And Like car tax - it goes up at least £5 per year WITHOUT FAIL !!!



Quoting: Roadkill
I Don't even watch BBC !!!

It's a nasty bloody con.

Worse even then car tax, in my opinion.

And Like car tax - it goes up at least £5 per year WITHOUT FAIL !!!


bought mine in jan so npo increase for me

art b

some ones gotta pay for the costume dramas
discovery seems to cover most of what i watch,
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: art b
discovery seems to cover most of what i watch,

same here mate

F Body

Well they gave me a £100 discount ?

Paid straight into my bank after the filming in London the other week


Quoting: art b
discovery seems to cover most of what i watch,

Yup - Or E4, Sky one.

Lusty Lass

Quoting: Roadkill
I Don't even watch BBC !!!

well, if you want to get your moneys worth, how about becoming an Eastenders fan?


Quoting: Lusty Lass
how about becoming an Eastenders fan?


Quoting: Lusty Lass
well, if you want to get your moneys worth, how about becoming an Eastenders fan?

how about i sit with a shotgun in my mouth and my big toe on the trigger


Quoting: Lusty Lass
how about becoming an Eastenders fan?

Even the thought of it is depressing, let alone watching the thing!
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

Lusty Lass

Quoting: 55starchief
how about i sit with a shotgun in my mouth and my big toe on the trigger

so you do watch it then.....


Quoting: 55starchief
Quoting: Lusty Lass
well, if you want to get your moneys worth, how about becoming an Eastenders fan?

how about i sit with a shotgun in my mouth and my big toe on the trigger



Quoting: Lusty Lass
well, if you want to get your moneys worth, how about becoming an Eastenders fan?

I Would rather nail my own testicles to a wall using a brick and two lengths of lead pipe.

F Body

Quoting: FUBAR
Even the thought of it is depressing, let alone watching the thing!

I call it " Depress Enders " and it's banned in our house


Quoting: F Body
it's banned in our house


It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Interesting that you get 50% off the licence fee if you are a registered blind person:-\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">



I suppose you could still hear it . . .

You're right.  Crazy.

Stupid beeb.

art b

Quoting: Lusty Lass
well, if you want to get your moneys worth, how about becoming an Eastenders fan?

personaly id rather poke hot coals up my ar$e with a cocktail stick !!!!!!
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


Quoting: Roadkill
I suppose you could still hear it . . .  

You're right. Crazy.

Stupid beeb.

You just need someone who is deaf but 'sighted' to tell you how it looks


Quoting: 2001SS
You just need someone who is deaf but 'sighted' to tell you how it looks

Or get your self an old person, they get it for free also handy for discounts at some DIY chains. Just walk up to the counter with said old person and ask for the 10% if the quible explain how they have been through at least one world war and how things were better in the old days