Question - What thickness gasket ?

Started by Roadkill, January 12, 2009, 11:48:08 AM

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I'm gonna make up some custom valve cover gaskets for the LT1 as the stock type doesn't fit the fabbed sheet metal covers very well.

Obviously the classic material for this is cork - so I've found a few sellers on eBay selling such material.

My question is :

"What thickness do you think will be suitable ?"

It's not that expensive so cost isn't a factor . . . I think anything below 3mm won't be enough and the only other choices are really just 3mm and 5mm.

So what ya' reckon ?

Most other valve cover gaskets I've come across have been around the 5-6mm mark but does it need to be this thick ?

F Body

Quoting: Roadkill
So what ya' reckon ?

I'd go 5mm because it's less likely to distort and therefore leak

I always put a smear of gasket seal on both sides anyway


Quoting: F Body
I always put a smear of gasket seal on both sides anyway

That was the intention.



Cool.  That was my general thoughts, too.

3mm would be easier to cut, mind you, but everything else points to 5mm.


long shot, could you get hold of a sheet of silicone? its far better than cork, as its non porous..


probably no good, got to be silicone as normal rubber is reactive to oil..

maybe better to stick to cork, it may be opening up a large can 'o' worms otherwise..


my gaskets are silicone, the silicone is formed so that the covers sit in a channel otherwise you wouldnt be able to tighten it down without it popping out all over the place


Quoting: Gator
the silicone is formed so that the covers sit in a channel otherwise you wouldnt be able to tighten it down without it popping out all over the place

This is a valid point - silicone is almost friction-free . . . It'd be a bugger to keep in place.

Cork it is.

I need two bits 5" x 19 1/2" and I've found a guy selling three bits 5 1/2" x 24" for just £2.49 starting price !