Anyone fancy a passenger ride in the camaro...

Started by Big Mouse, February 04, 2009, 11:11:19 AM

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Big Mouse

.... although I should warn you that nitrous fires are a thing to behold\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

Check out the part where his magnesium intake starts melting down and finally stops the engine, looks just like someone threw a load of thermite into the intake.

The molten metal eventually runs down into the cylinders which stops the engine in a very painful way; you can actually hear it die as all the moving parts weld themselve together!!

Track crew should have been strung up - no one hit the kill switch; no one checked the nitrous bottle was off; no one had fire proof clothing (which could account for no one wanting the check the nitrous bottles!); there was no fire truck and all they had was those weasly little extinguishers.

Ian, i think we'll do some fire drill for this season

Big Mouse


What a bunch of incompetent muppets...    

1) Driver:  When you see flames coming out bonnet, switch off engine

2) Kill Switch: learn what this does in case driver is muppet or incapable

3) You will not extinguish a nitrous fire by trying to smother it with an extinguisher if the bottle is continuing to feed a nice supply of nitrous to it.  Learn what the shut off valve does.

4) When car is clearly about to explode, do not stand right next to it.

5) Sell the track to a property developer so he can build apartments on it because you're too stupid to own a raceway...


crikey thats some hardcore heat you have to love them blokes in shorts trying to put it out

i still want to ride shot gun where and when


Thats criminal, the marshall all want shooting. they just did not have a clue!!!



Quoting: Big Mouse
Ian, i think we'll do some fire drill for this season

Yeah might be an idea

As its been said kill engine, kill nitrous!!!


Nice!  A firework display, bonfire and circus clown act in one

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
What a bunch of DANGEROUS incompetent muppets

Amazed that they even got it out with those pocket extinguishers


It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: Big Mouse
Anyone fancy a passenger ride in the camaro...

.... although I should warn you that nitrous fires are a thing to behold

Yeah, But what a way to go....

Big Mouse

Quoting: ianjpage
As its been said kill engine, kill nitrous!!!

I suppose that means me staying in the burning car while turning the bottle off seeing as I'm wearing the fire suit

Big Mouse

Quoting: F Body
Amazed that they even got it out with those pocket extinguishers

They didn't Mart, they just 'controlled' it until it run out of fuel - once the magnesium starts burning it ain't going out 'til its finished especially when being helped by a bit of nitrous


Quoting: Big Mouse

I suppose that means me staying in the burning car while turning the bottle off seeing as I'm wearing the fire suit

Well if you offering hehe