Dream Car Ruin...

Started by Andy, April 23, 2009, 08:28:52 AM

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Off the BBC site.

A pretty confusing story. Whats the pink car?

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/8012926.stm\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/8012926.stm


Quoting: Andy
Whats the pink car?

It's a Rolls Royce



I thought the mindless paint vandalism was in reference to the Rolls...

Feel sorry for the girl though, this is the problem with owning a car that stands out, you cannot leave them out of your sight, even on your drive, you must have a garage and you can;t leave it anywhere.

I like the police response:

"Mindless vandals"


"We're going to do d*** all about it..."

The Arabs have got one thing right, people who mess with other people's vehicles need their hands cutting off...



Were we watching the same video ?

Hardly a dream car - more like a chavved up barry boy girl wagon.

That said, people who mess with a man's woman's car have no soul and should burn in hell.


Quoting: Roadkill
Hardly a dream car - more like a chavved up barry boy girl wagon.

everyones dreams are different...

mine are usually full of playboy girls, lapdancers and cake !


Not my cup of tea (although tastefully done as they go) but it's her pride and joy and no matter what type of car it is or what she's done to it no-one has any business messing with it.

F Body

Quoting: HardRockCamaro
this is the problem with owning a car that stands out, you cannot leave them out of your sight, even on your drive, you must have a garage and you can;t leave it anywhere.

Nail & head, it doesn't even need to be a special car, just keeping an old car in good condition is enough for it to be vandalised

That's another problem with modern Britain, no one say's that's a nice car I wish I was lucky enough to own one of those, it's tosser I'll teach them own one of those

Bring me my gun


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
Not my cup of tea (although tastefully done as they go) but it's her pride and joy and no matter what type of car it is or what she's done to it no-one has any business messing with it.

I agree.

Quoting: F Body
just keeping an old car in good condition is enough for it to be vandalised

I also agree with this

Quoting: F Body
That's another problem with modern Britain, no one say's that's a nice car I wish I was lucky enough to own one of those

The Paper boy complemented the IROC this week as i was outside shiny-ing things when he dropped the Citizen through the door.
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Tell me about it.

While I know bad stuff happens in the US I did find the attitude of young guys in *Fairly* moody looking areas to be very positive towards the Mustang last year.  It got thumbs up, compliments, they wanted to know all about it, begged us to do burnout when we left etc.  Over here by simply driving it you're being a flash t****r...

And it;s not down to money, even Clarkson said "you can't own a Corvette in the UK, it's too flash, too garish".  Why?  So what if it looks flashy?  Why do we insist in the UK that everyone be low key, and if they're not they deserve to have their stuff damaged?  If people with nice stuff have a good attitude I'm happy for them that they've got what they got.  What they have doesn't impact my life negatively in any way so why should I hate them for it and try and ruin it for them?

It's a strange world we live in...


Quoting: HardRockCamaro
If people with nice stuff have a good attitude I'm happy for them that they've got what they got.

Indeed I couldn't agree more, & the chances are that (especially if its at a show shoewhere) that its there voluntarily & you're probably lucky to be seeing it anyway .

On the flipside every time I walk from work to Sainsburys to get lunch I go past the Old Mobil House building & through their private carpark, in which is an immaculate Maserati something or other, lovely car... but the owner insists on abandoning the thing diagonally across 2 parking spaces, and from this I can presume that he is a stuck up lazy twat
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

F Body

Latest British Crime survey has been released today


yeah according to the radio that Ian was listening too they reclassified a lot of stuff to pickpocketing, hence the rise (and subsequent reduction in Violent crime)  f'kin statistics
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...


Quoting: FUBAR
but the owner insists on abandoning the thing diagonally across 2 parking spaces, and from this I can presume that he is a stuck up lazy twat

or its the only way he can prevent anyone parking close enough to throw their door open and dent it deliberately...


Ah the lazy parking Vs. Parking across 4 spaces to avoid bad parkers!


Quoting: Andy
Whats the pink car?



Quoting: Andy
Ah the lazy parking Vs. Parking across 4 spaces to avoid bad parkers!

i once managed 7 parking spaces with my truck... it was a work of genius i tell ya !!

Big Mouse

Quoting: F Body
Latest British Crime survey has been released today  

Ahem! released by the home office thus not worth the paper is was written on as it would be figures plucked out of mid air to appease the softies on the labour back bench and to try and fool the rest of us into thinking that they are spending more money of policing the streets - which they obviously aren't or this poor girls car wouldn't be in the news in the first place

Rant off