UK Car scrapage scheme.

Started by F Body, April 22, 2009, 03:50:48 PM

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F Body

From next month until March 2010 motorists to get £2,000 discount on new cars if they trade in cars older than 10 years but...................

• They will have to show they been the registered keeper of the vehicle for the previous 12 months before ordering the new car - fair enough !

• The government will provide £1,000 with the industry expected to provide the other half ?

So how does it help already broke car companies by having to knock £1,000 off the price of the car



I might be looking at doing this in October, but I just can't see me getting rid of my mondeo just yet.


its one of them new Labour announcements that will come to nothing like help with mortgages in the credit crunch just hasnt happened

the greenest car is the one you already own scrapping perfectly serviceable vehicles in favour of new, with all the polution and consuming of resources it takes to make one just to falsely prop up an ailing industry just about says all you need to know about Brown and co

so if you trade in your mondeo for an electric would you get 2k plus the other 5k they were on about


Thinking about it... no, its a stupid idea.


Yup, just another stupid f*cking idea by Mr Brown and his retarded monkey government.

Cunning Plan

Yes as said many times before on different forums about this subject - why would people who couldn't afford a new car be able to afford one with 2k essentially off the cost of the car?

Those people would still be in a finance agreement they cant afford - if they could afford it they would be already in a new car. Perhaps this is more about how over priced everything is in the UK.............

This takes care of the 'green' argument..
Quoting: Gator
he greenest car is the one you already own scrapping perfectly serviceable vehicles in favour of new, with all the pollution and consuming of resources it takes to make one

Also, think of the small businesses and parts industry which the government obviously has not thought about. The more newer cars pushing the older ones off the road the less cars there will be to repair by smaller independent mechanics as most issues would be solved under a manufacture's warranty. No repairs also means no parts. So that's a lot of people and two whole industries affected.

Really all they need to do is lower the DAM DUTY AND VAT on fuel!!! Cheaper fuel means the country can move around more freely which means wealth can be distributed around the country smoothly and ultimately people should have more money left in their pocket to spend on non-essential items.

Its basic marketing and psychology, Kotler et al's hierarchy of needs:

Basically the essential items are at the bottom of the chart but the most important, the next item up the chart will not even be thought about until the first layer has successfully been achieved. Buying a NEW car and I say new because an old 'run around' can be seen as an essential item but a NEW car is more of a luxury which would come under the 'keeping up with the Jones' type category or for self esteem - having a new shiny car as apposed to the old banger. But the key to enabling people to move up the hierarchy is to reduce everyday overheads. Fuel is a necessity not a luxury. So in short, the more expendable funds people have, the more chance there is that they will purchase a high-risk (a lot of money) item. Do this buy cutting the amount people have to pay for an essential item - FUEL. I thank you.
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)



I wonder what this is going to do to the 2nd car market.

Will it make the real sh!te boxes go up, due to their now vaulable catagory of 'scrappabe'?

F Body

Quoting: Andy
Will it make the real sh!te boxes go up, due to their now vaulable catagory of 'scrappabe'?

Hence the 12 month ownership rule

Quoting: Cunning Plan
psychology, Kotler et al's hierarchy of needs:

Can't see polishing on that diagram, may be it comes under personal affinity

Cunning Plan

Quoting: F Body
Can't see polishing on that diagram, may be it comes under personal affinity

I think we need to produce a new model to accomidate OCD polishers!
1968 VW T2 Bay Bus (currently being restored and upgraded)
1999 Jeep Cherokee XJ (modern classic daily driver)



Well put Craig... that makes perfect sense
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

F Body

Quoting: Andy
I think its more OCPD

" There are few moral 'grey' areas for a person with fully developed OCPD; actions and beliefs are either completely right, or absolutely wrong "

Seems black & white to me


Quoting: Andy
I think its more OCPD

what have the Oklahoma City Police Dept got to do with this...\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">

It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...