Anyone got any POR-15 left over from a past project at all?

Started by EDGE, May 22, 2009, 12:31:49 PM

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I need to paint a rear axle so was wondering if anyone had a tin left over that i could buy before I go ahead and order it from frost's

Im looking for the normal base coat and maybe either the silver or chassis black top coat

anyone got any left ?


yes i have some tins of grey i think and some black chassis coat i will check quantities for you mister




so you've got one can of undercoat and 3 top coats... does that quantity work out ok? (will the undercoat cover 3 times as much)or is coverage the same?

how old is it and does it go off ????

what sort of money are you after dude... also bear in mind that its £8.50 to send it by UPS :)


its the small 6 pack size tins theres more chassis coat coz i decided not to use it and prefer just using black por15

gis a fiver to cover posting ill send a tin of each which should be plenty for an axle


pm me your paypal info dude and ill send it on its electronic way :)


If your not in a hurry for the stuff Edge, i can get them off Gator at Yanks weekend.....


Quoting: Badger
If your not in a hurry for the stuff Edge, i can get them off Gator at Yanks weekend.....

sounds like a plan


mighty fine of you to offer badger... I'll get the shandies in at the next meet


Quoting: Badger
If your not in a hurry for the stuff Edge, i can get them off Gator at Yanks weekend.....

Better still Edge, get your pastey white arse up there in the Fox so i've got someone to race...

I want to take some film with a couple of Video VBOX's and need another car (preferably a Ford) to fit out and race against... Something that's going to be an even match...


hey Titsy if you dont mind lending me your vid cam i will get some startline footage for you


Quoting: Gator
hey Titsy if you dont mind lending me your vid cam i will get some startline footage for you

That would be great, but I don't have a camcorder... What I do have is access to these:\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">\">\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" wmode=\"transparent\" width=\"425\" height=\"350\">


Quoting: EDGE
mighty fine of you to offer badger... I'll get the shandies in at the next meet

Not a problem mate