Anyone after a 5th gen?

Started by Titsy, May 15, 2009, 08:43:29 AM

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F Body

£42k isn't an outrageous price either

Big Mouse

Quoting: F Body
£42k isn't an outrageous price either

I'll have a pint of whatever you've been drinking

F Body

Quoting: Big Mouse
I'll have a pint of whatever you've been drinking

Well an SS is about $35k in the states, given the current exchange rate, shipping, vat & svo, I can't see many being sold below £40k in the UK


That's £23k in the US
Landed, taxes paid, etc it should be about £33k

So unless they paid over book to get it they're ripping ppl off..

Big Mouse

Thats exactly what I mean.

I'm not adverse to paying someone a wage, I accept companies want to make a profit on their product; hell, I'm in business, I need to make a profit.

But that is taking the wee just a little bit


If I wanted one I'd DIY it and bring one over myself . . . .

F Body

Flip Martian

I guess I'll wait about 8 years by which time they'll be about 6 grand and I may be able to afford one if I'm still working...

F Body

Quoting: Flip Martian
I guess I'll wait about 8 years

Well the reason I'm driving the Zee a lot more this year is because I think that the poxy government
will make illegal or extremely expensive to drive anything other than a Prius in the next few years

Flip Martian

Quoting: F Body
Well the reason I'm driving the Zee a lot more this year is because I think that the poxy government
will make illegal or extremely expensive to drive anything other than a Prius in the next few years

Probably not far from the truth - and that did enter my head while I was posting. However, I doubt this government will get re-elected next year.

Not that I'm advocating the tories, I'm not! All as bad as each other but there must be a middle ground between advocating public transport AND supporting car drivers...


Quoting: Flip Martian
but there must be a middle ground between advocating public transport AND supporting car drivers...

I think they'll do their best to make that middle ground hybrids, which don't save the world, only move the 'massive effect on the environment'* from the consumer to the manufacturer.

*I don't swallow any of this 'climate change' bollocks. Its all a great industry, for the scientist, for the companys who say they're 'doing their bit to be green' and for the companies to sell the companies the plans to 'do their bit to be green'

I would suggest anyone who is worried about the mass global affect of climate look at the sun and the reports that it is currently putting out less heat and hasn't had a sun spot for about a year. The last time similar results like this were noted the world suffered a mini ice age.

Sleep tight!

Flip Martian

Quoting: Andy
I would suggest anyone who is worried about the mass global affect of climate look at the sun and the reports that it is currently putting out less heat and hasn't had a sun spot for about a year. The last time similar results like this were noted the world suffered a mini ice age.

Well I'm glad I read that TODAY and not last night - had enough trouble sleeping as it is!