Urban Allstars Rally .. 2010

Started by Andy, August 14, 2009, 03:20:48 AM

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Alreet, looking at entering this next year as it literally runs from my doorstep. Always wanted to do a poverty spec version of the Gumball after seeing a guy from another forum trying to do it in a Reliant Kitten (second best car ever made).

Just letting ya all know, wonder if it could spark off a team MKB? I've got about 3 mates that are wanting to do it as well. The rules are pretty simple. You have to spend no more than £200 on the beast, and money left over can be used to decorate it. You have to raise at least £250 in sponsership. You have to insured for the continent and the vehicle has to be t&t.

Now the hunt is on for a shed to do the trip...

More details here http://www.urbanallstarsrally.co.uk\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">www.urbanallstarsrally.co.uk

Big Mouse


http://www.urbanallstarrally.co.uk\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">www.urbanallstarrally.co.uk - should do the trick.

F Body

Well there is a bit of club history with this one

We were going to do a similar rally 3 ?? years ago, we even got the car !

However the dates clashed with peoples other commitments ( I was in hospital ) so it got canned

I'll see if I can find the thread link

Edit : Can anyone find the thread created by Raffe post name Giblets