Great news for car drivers - 1st +£1k rail fare.

Started by F Body, November 03, 2009, 01:28:09 PM

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F Body

£1,002 is now the cost of a return 1st class rail ticket from Cornwall to Scotland

No excuse for not taking the car now\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">


do you know what the 1st class upgrade on the Train from Nanjing - Shanghai is...   to go from a "virgin train" style soft seat class (standard on the new express trains) which costs 93RMB  (about £9)

the Upgrade to 1st class, where you get more legroom than Rafe would ever need, waitress service, big comfy chairs & tables etc etc costs...

..20RMB,   just less than £2!!!

Thats a just under 2 Hour journey which covers 300km 1st class, for 11 Quid!!

Oh and for another comparison, last year, the SLEEPER train, from Nanjing to Beijing which is approx 1050km  was 417RMB each way, which with the exchange rate at the time was a whopping £32quid!!! (roughly)

Britain really sucks sometimes
It's the time that we kill that keeps us alive...

art b

that price has more than doubled in a year......

public transport ..   it sucks in the uk...
This forum needs, ''YOU'' posting,Not just reading ! :moon:


£60 1st class sleeper from Krakow-Prague

Ok so not the nicest of trains but still

EDIT:  Of course we took the Plane at £90...


A grand to sit in with a carridge full of in-breds smelling of cheap lager and B.O - no thanks.


Quoting: Roadkill
A grand to sit in with a carridge full of in-breds smelling of cheap lager and B.O

Quoting: Incursus
£60 1st class sleeper from Krakow-Prague

Exactly for £60 you can get  in-breds smelling of cheap lager, B.O & cigarettes!
