Great driving afternoon.

Started by F Body, November 07, 2009, 10:38:56 AM

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F Body

It was rather chilly this morning, but this afternoon has been
Not tropical but as good as it gets for November

Clocked up 13 miles in the Camaro and 35 miles on the Ducati

The Camaro now glides silently over bumps/pot holes without that god awful creaking
Dropped in on Jamie who was trying to tidy out his garage ready for the engine pull weekend

Gotta make the most of the weather, rain forecast Sunday for us


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Wow this forum was quiet yesterday!

F Body

Quoting: Fieldy
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Wow this forum was quiet yesterday!

Well I was busy enjoying myself in this order :


Most of the MKB's including me were at Titsy's house warming party last night, even the F Body kids went too

Quoting: F Body
Gotta make the most of the weather, rain forecast Sunday for us

Went to the gym in the car at 07:30am this morning because it was really hammering down, not currently raining but very grey and damp

F Body

Quoting: F Body
not currently raining but very grey and damp

Not half bad now

Just finished valeting and polishing the Panda wearing just a T shirt

Not allowed out to play today


Decent day yesterday, dipped in and out of Luton to pick up yet another Cadillac. Had a little cruise round with the top down to check it was all good.

Have been cleaning and photographing today, it's bloody freezing